Wednesday, August 25, 2010

impression of ukraine/russian guys 9 p.m. or so (last night)

i'll do one small trial, but i have no way of confirming any of it. also, it is the only thing i did yesterday. for 2 days, i haven't asked to get anything about anyone at all and then last night i asked briefly for something about these 2 men who i will not name. what surprised me was that i got karate out of it, which is probably having to do with books i saw earlier, bc i don't think they study karate or i wouldn't naturally assume this.

i knew one guy was going to be at a store before i even got there. i don't know his schedule but i just knew and he was.

i tried asking for something about either one of the 2 i had in mind. i couldn't separate them really and then i got something about a telescope. it looked like a paper telescope almost and someone was making it long and then short, drawing it out and then in and it wasn't perfectly round like a normal telescope either. but maybe it was symbolic. i was later sitting outside that night (last night) and maybe one of them had a telescope of some kind. I saw one more like out of paper.

one lighter haired man i got receiving a backhand slap and then maybe bloody lip but i've never seen such a thing or even slight resemblance and why? so maybe something from a movie someone was watching.

then, oddly, with the one, i got "pennsylvania trust" i have absolutely no clue whatsoever that would mean. he has nothing to do with PA i'm sure. (i have a close relative in PA but that's all i can think of personally--and maybe might be related to some people there through a secret "second" family fathered by someone) then making bread or being around someone making bread with the white linen or cover over the pan so it rises or is protected after out of oven.

then flips, and i thought gymnastics at first, like he could do backflips or forward flips, and then i realized it was more of a judo or karate move. it was one foot and then flipping or being flipped over someone's back.

then, i saw a pirate move. i call it pirate move because i kept thinking "what is that? it's like unrolling a treasure map?" it was like unrolling a scroll and holding down the ends to look at it, like rolled up map, or guide, or poster, or architecture type of papers.

then, laughing. him laughing and eating popcorn. watching a movie i think, or t.v., and eating popcorn.

but i might have mixed him up with the other guy bc then i tried with him and couldn't separate the two of them and then too, i wouldn't write anything i thought was very private and I really think it could be wrong in some way and have nothing to do with them but with someone else completely, esp. if i was just picking up on what someone in the neighborhood was doing at that moment.

with the other one, slightly darker hair but not much (i think they'll know who they are), i actually got in the shower, but nothing indecent, but just an idea, among other things. i got it not as something personal to get but actually, something mirroring me and i don't know why. like mirroring me to get into my psyche better? or just a common feeling or posture? that one was really interesting to me. because it was ike me.

(for some reason, I am getting a very good vibe but i don't know why--i must have hit on something that is right for someone and maybe not even the persons i had in mind as it being right for)

the shower posture wasn't first and mainly all i saw were legs. i had the impression that i could see more if i wanted to, and i didn't want to and kept it at seeing legs.

then i saw someone leaning back into an "x" shape. I think that had to do with possibly...actually i have no idea at all.

i saw karate and i don't believe he does karate at all. i even was getting the white karate shirt at some point. but whether it had anything to do with either of these guys is beyond me bc i really don't feel, instinctively, that they are the type to practice karate at all.

then something about him being a little bit secretive

and then, lots and lots of jumping when he was a kid. younger. jump, jump, jumping. boy did it seem this kid loved to jump. i kept wondering what he was jumping on or into and where but i couldn't tell. just a lot of very enthusiastic jumping. i didn't really see bouncing as much either. like, bouncing up and down on something, as much as taking jumps off of things I guess. maybe at about age 8-10 or so. lots of kids like to jump, so why i got so much jumping i don't know, but i think it was a favored thing for someone.
i know for a fact that i feel more psychic with or around some people than others. i think, for me, some people could be very psychic but for some reason, our psychic skills don't connect. like, they might connect with others, but not just anyone. so i think about anyone can be psychic but i wonder if some are more psychically matched for some reason.

my tentative opinion is that while some people can get something from another person in a one-way deal, it is more rare to have it go both ways where sending and receiving go both ways or that sort of thing. but i think it's possible for most people to be psychic in some way and then for others it's a very rare skill and talent that not many have. and then, i'm repeating myself, but then even those who are super talented, click better with some than others.

maybe someone would say i'm wrong and that any 2 given psychics can connect right away but i tend to think that for some reason, nature is more selective ...but that wouldn't make sense either...? why? because some 2 are somehow related or connected way back? or because they get their abilities through the same methods so are more connected that way? i have no idea. I know if I have ever gotten anything right about Di, ever, it's because I sincerely care and used to ask God for help getting right things. However, I don't think people have to always care about eachother to get stuff or there would be no psychic spies to begin with.

probably even certain "enemies" can be connected to eachother, against their will (almost)
I got someone with their hair wet--a man. i was thinking about this one guy and then got wet hair but i am sort of not wanting to get any of the shower stuff bc it's not what i want to see. about 8:20 a.m. a little late to shower. so probably not remote viewing in current time.
at about 9:20 a.m., got the idea that one of them plays guitar.

the only thing strange was that it seemed to be a longer type of guitar which makes me think of electric but maybe i'm wrong altogether. one, the lighter haired one, "looks" like someone who would play guitar, a normal size one but the other one is who the impression came with and it didn't look like a standard guitar when i got it but i could have seen it wrong, or maybe it's something for the future, or done on someone else's instrument. i have no idea.

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