Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Attorney General Rob McKenna's Asinine and Self-Protective Idea

How convenient.

As I am preparing to report the Washington State Attorney General's office to the D.C. Office of Professional Responsibility for gross abuses, the man in charge, Rob McKenna, hastily tries to change the law before his offices are slammed with not just allegations of criminal conduct, but a civil lawsuit upwards of many millions as well.

This state is CORRUPT and partly, because of Rob McKenna and those in charge of supervising the direction of this state. They do NOT deserve to win immunity for their actions when I have heard from so many people about what kind of abuse they have endured by State officials, who should be held accountable.

This State has had a record number of incidents involving their employees and corruption and it has mainly affected the poor and vulnerable, however, it doesn't only affect them but also affects the middle class as well. When the middle class is having to pay out of pocket to try to assist their poorer relatives or friends, and protect them against abuses the State has created, it creates a "deficit" in the pockets of the normal citizen. The State partially creates the problem to begin with, in order to keep their jobs and give an excuse for their lack of income and then, they want to be immune from abusing their authority?


The State has far more power than any citizen who is attempting to hold them accountable and then McKenna whines about "abusive lawsuits" as if it's the poor and middle class that are abusing THEM and not the other way around. This State has been incredibly irresponsible with the power their officials and employees hold already, and then they want to be protected from being sued for these abuses.

I think Mr. McKenna and the AG offices may have figured out that not only do they have a massive problem with me alone and the allegations I can bring against the State, but that there are grounds for a massive


and I would say there are grounds for more than ONE.

The State officials of Washington are directly connected to by persons who have illicit businesses and they have gotten away with being sponsored by those who have the most money and most clout for intimidation.

The elected State officials of Washington state are not representative of the Washington public either. Which would explain why a disproportionate number of persons are targeted who do not have those immediate and necessary ties.

Giving the State of Washington more immunity and protection, as they continue to abuse their authority, is not in the best interests of the public and how DARE the Attorney General's offices, who are supposed to be keeping the PUBLIC INTERESTS in mind, even suggest such an idea?

Right there, the fact that the AG is trying to act in its own interests and in the interests of the most monied who put them into their positions of power, is a demonstration and evidence of how corrupt they are.

It does not serve the PUBLIC interest and this is the OFFICE that is supposed to care MOST about the whole public interest, and which is supposed to promote equality among all, and not just the elected officials and their own jobs and the jobs of their friends.

This is quickly becoming one of the most plutocratic states in The United States of America. Washington has, over and over, passed laws which benefit the RICH and not the middle class or poor. Repeatedly.

McKenna claims that Washington state is "unique" because it doesn't have "sovereign immunity" and acts as though Washington employees and rich are victims when in actuality, this state has consistently passed more laws that protect the rich, than I can even count.

Where was the AG when lobbyists decided to "reform" Bankruptcy laws?

Guess what? those reforms benefited insurance companies. The reforms were not in the best interest of the public. Not one reform was made that greatly affected any of the corporations, who file for bankrtupcy, when they do, under other bankruptcy codes. The "reforms" targeted poor and middle class, and made it more difficult for those people to get out of debt. Where was the AG, in protecting the best interests of the public? when insurance companies and medical facilities were being protected, and large lenders and banks were being protected, the poor and middle class got screwed.

Where was the AG when the state of Washington allowed lobbyists to bully a law into place which made it impossible to sue doctors, medical facilities , and insurance companies, for "punitive damages" when the negligence was bad enough? The State of Washington took the power of the hands of the jury, the common people, to make awards to victims that were to serve as a cautionary tale others in medical practice, to not abuse the trust of the vulnerable, or the patient. Punitive damages were not won for no reason, a jury had to determine there was a very serious incident which usually also involved a great cover-up, and therefore, a large sum should be awarded, to act as a "punishment" for how bad the conduct was. It was protective of the public interest because doctors and medical facilities were on notice that if they did something wrong, they would pay for it. Canceling this right of the jury, was protective of insurance companies and medical persons, who in this state would comprise some of the upper class. It did not benefit and protect the general public. So where was the AG?

These are just 2 examples of laws which Washington state's powerful officials and lobbyists, put into place, which did not serve the public good and only protected themselves, those who put them in their positions and paid all the election fees, and then those fringe rich or some upper class.

I only glanced at the headline and read the first two lines of McKenna's obituary before "immunity" came to mind, and then halfway through my post here, I went back and read the actual commentary. He referred to the elimination of "sovereign immunity" that was done away with in 1961.

It's because we're not in the 50s anymore, Washington--i.e, McKenna and AG, and Gregoire, and maybe Bill Gates. People have rights now. The Civil Rights era was en force in 1961 and thank God some good people rallied for the rights of the people and not the corporate and state assholes.

But now, after being the Goliath and gaining power through sheer authority and numbers and from certain benefactors, you want to take all of Washington state back to Beaver Cleaver and put the woman in the kitchen, and the niggars and beaners and white trash (see end note) in the kitchen, and make the State "sovereign" as if it's a middle-ages King of all. It's bad enough that some Judges get a special "immunity".

Did I ever mention I want my kid back?

You don't get fucking "immunity" for illegally kidnapping a child from his mother and colluding with others to do so and then allowing for his trauma and distress for a couple of years as you deprive a mother of her right to even fucking due process.

Touch NOT the fucking cat.
I just went to the AG site with Rob McKenna. I like how he reworded his "idea" (promoted by not just him but a group of colleagues), to make it sound as though his idea is to protect the "taxpayers" against abusive lawsuits.

Nice switcharoo.

Now he wants Washington taxpayers to think that THEY would be the ones being sued, not those who might be ABUSING them. And THIS is the Attorney General??? this is the person who is supposed to represent the whole of Washington state.

He is claiming taxpayers will have something to worry about, just to stir up support by taxpayers, so that they will agree with some law which would cover HIS fancy ass. And I like the way "fancy" and "ass" go together, in sound.

Seriously, I look at "ads" like that, which are on his website and I think this is so self-promulgating and so NOT in Washington's best interests, why in the HELL is this man in his position? It's a fucking ad, and he is abusing his own authority to spread fraudulent advertising. And THIS is the man who is heading up the Attorney General's offices in Washington state.

No wonder everyone on the East Coast and internationally, said I was totally screwed.

This is the kind of man who is going to reward and encourage Michelle Erickson's and Jennifer Godfrey's and AGs who lie and try to cover up wrongdoing. And I didn't even think about him, not at all, until he posted his asinine propoganda in the Seattle Times and on his own website, which, Mr. McKenna, is NOT your personal BLOG.

Sign up for a blogger account McKenna.

I think it's even more bizarre that he just pops out with this stuff day or two after I start making phone calls and send emails to the right place and he realizes his ASS and his AG's ASSes are on the line.

He doesn't even write a clear obituary, or I guess it's called an editorial. It's like he came up with this grand idea REAL fast, better start slapping some publicity around even if it doesn't make sense, because SHIT, the dam might fucking break.

If you read it, in today's Seattle Times, he goes from talking about some forged $13 check to a car accident and expects everyone to draw the corrollary.

Then he claims he wants to save taxpayers money and find ways to cut down on the "deficit" when he then abuses the State forum and website to post fraudulent ads about how not suing the State is going to save the citizens money. Explain that one please.

From what I have been told, what happened with my son didn't just involve the local law enforcement. It involved the Seattle FBI, the Department of State (who were later all over me when I broke up with my Ex and scouting the situation out), and the AGs offices. And that's not including the other offices who have government employees who are just corrupt.

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