Wednesday, August 25, 2010

impressions (quickly) & "not alone" reconciliation (god)

I was making my report and then pulled out a Bible for a passage randomly first, before I started. I got II Corin. 5:18-21 which is about reconciliation.

So I added it to my report and then started off and little did i know, at the same time, this woman was unwrapping a magazine for this month, which came in today's mail, and it had a poem in it about reconciliation which perfectly fits.

I wrote about reconciliation with my child.

This poem is about reconciliation of a child with the heavenly father.

The passage in the bible is about reconciliation of the new person to God.

I'm not kidding. I got this scripture and included it in my report to the President, the AG of the U.S. and the OPR, and then wrote about reconciliation of a child with their mother. I only took the first verse that I got and I didn't know why I got it but that's how I made it fit. Then I got back from break and this woman showed me the magazine, which is Christian Science Sentinel, september 6, 2010 edition and the poem is on pg. 19, called "Hand in Hand" by Caroline Martin.

Super uncanny.

What's even stranger is that she was literally unwrapping this magazine when I randomly got this verse.

I guess, because it's so strange, I'll write it out quickly:

First the scripture I got and then my short saying in my report and then the poem she showed me.

Well, I guess I'll just include what I wrote in my complaint before I left to take a break bc of anxiety and then this poem next, which is next to an article about, of all things, stress.

"Before I began writing, I turned to the Bible and asked God for wisdom in making this complaint, and I opened at random to this passage, II Corin. 5:18-20, which is how I would like to begin my complaint:

"...And all things are of God , who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God."

"My petition is for the reconciliation of a mother and child who should not have been separated to begin with, least of all through criminal means. I also pray for reconciliation of those who have acted as my adversary, and for a reconciliation with God to the calling he gave others, not for their own good alone, but in service of others by truth, regardless of the sacrifice."

So this is what I wrote in my complaint, regarding reconciliation and then this is the poem:

Hand in Hand
My Father softly called to me
As I was rushing out the door,
"Won't you stay beside Me
For just a minute more?
You have grown so weary
Amidst life's push and pull,
I long to put My hand in yours,
But yours are always full."

I stood quite still and felt within
A warmth of long ago,
A quiet voice reminding me
That I am not alone.
I dropped my burdens one by one
And closed my tear-filled eyes.
Then hand in hand we stood
once more,
My father and His child.

--Caroline Martin
So I thought this was sort of incredible. I wouldn't start out any report with a verse, either, unless I felt there was a reason for it, and I did, so I included it, because I believe what has been done to me and my son is contrary to the Will of God and that I should do as I feel led to do in making my report.
Then, I had bought truffles for the first time ever in this town and knew I wanted to give one to this woman and let her choose and I thought which one she should take after she said she didn't care and then she said that one which I thought she might have.
then, i randly got something about "the barbie"
I thought, "what's a barbie? like slang for what again? something to do with the barbie"
and then found it's a BBQ
It was about 2:35 or 2:40 p.m. when I got something about "the barbie"
must be an englishmun or australian in town, or a cockney american. or SOMETHING.

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