Thursday, August 19, 2010

Filed Today For Son

Today I am filing to protect my right to appeal. I only have to get it date-stamped and then it's good as long as it's mailed. I am told I have another week, the court said I have until the 27th, but I am not sure that this is true so I'm going to try to file earlier.


  1. Your son hates you you are a crazy bum get a job and stop living off other people welfare you are the nutty lady of the town you will never get your son

  2. dear repeatable asshole,

    you are the one constant ass in my life and i think someone should find out exactly who you are and make sure you keep your distance from me and my son.

    my son does not "hate me" and anyone who would even suggest this, of a 4 yr old, is connected to bad people. my son contstantly wanted to stay with me, not even the avilas.

    if he's been brainwashed by people to hate his mother, since he hasn't seen me, or even here and there, i wouldn't be surprised because there are serious shitty people in this town.

    you should be locked up and watched at all time.

    i hope someone tracks down your isp and other information, because it's available through blogger and google, and just sits on your ass until you are in a mental institution, or jail, where you belong.
