Thursday, August 19, 2010

Very Random Intuition/Lucky Guess

I wouldn't normally give this out, because I would like to be paid now, but something interesting happened and I'll just give out a couple of small hints.

In a minute because I almost feel like I need a beer or something.

I guess all I want to say right now is just a fraction of what I got. I prayed in a restroom about many things and then one idea that came to me, is something about the wind blowing. I thought why did I get this? was my son reading the book of the runaway bunny where it says, "if you become a sailboat, I will blooowww you back to me"--a part he really liked. And I kept thinking about this and then I talked to someone who mentioned stanford, just in conversation, so I looked it up after he left, and the wiki shows the motto of Stanford as being:

"the wind of freedom blows"

which would actually be cool if something came of that, but so far, we'll see.

I did visibly see something like wind blowing, but it reminded me of that book. I had just questioned why this sort of impression came to my mind.

I will reveal another thing as being that when I was praying about things, and my son, Anna Chapman randomly came to mind again and I thought about trying to get something but didn't feel right about it. Like it was an invasion of privacy or just not necessary at the moment. Not really into it, because experimental is one thing, but I didn't feel I needed to ask to get anything at all. So I thought I might have gotten a quick impression (just wondered what she was doing at that moment) and then I sort of set it back.
i think I jinxed something though. I went to the beer store and then to the liquor one and got 1 mini, when all i had in mind was 1 mini. If I thought beer purchase meant I would come out ahead in some way bc it benefited someone, I would have gone there. Instead, a lot of mockery which indicated I did something wrong in the dealin. I was just going to the one place for a mini for later (didn't want it now) but all these people following and watching everything I did. Then I thought, really I want a beer for later, but don't want to carry it. not having any of it right now. got black licorice and that was about it.

I guess i'll say one bit of what came to mind about Anna Chapman and why i decided not to try or really guess. I had some vague impression of her stretching and there being a cat around somewhere. But then I thought that sounds like me, as i've been stretching all day. I saw her more on a sofa and some kind of white or light colored, med. to longer haired cat but maybe it's not hers. It wasn't anything that seemed right-on so that's when I decided I was going to quit and not try.
I will give credit to 2 insect sightings.

A black beetle a few days ago going all over the place. Came up to me as I was writing about English and then went off and was a little strange. Then a huge dragonfly while I was in this SUV with someone yesterday. It was an enormous dragonfly.
I feel I might have done something wrong because there was so much harassment later. So I wondered about it. Like I should have just gone to one of the stores or to none of them. I am tired of feeling my life is controlled by very random circumstantial stuff.

At least my prayers were sincere. It was that I will not be slave or prisoner to anyone other than God. To God alone. Hoping, at least, that I can do this, to stay true to my conscience and when I was on my knees that's when I got the impression of a wind blowing and hoped it was something good about my son but I didn't know. I prayed on my knees first and then with my hands behind my back, one hand over the other. For me, I've never done this but it was to be subject to God and to hope I am not swayed by people one way or the other, and that good things will be tranmitted to other psychics who can relay the information to the right people. It was when I decided to put my arms behind me with my face down that after I prayed about myself, Anna came to mind, so that's why I even thought of her. Don't know why. But I sort of tried and then quit.

The whole thing lasted about 5-10 minutes.

As for the posture, it wasn't with the idea that I transform into a saint or have no habits, just that in the most important aspects, this is my principle. To try at least. But not to be perfect at all, just in certain regards.

Then I met people who had been imprisoned the next time I talked to someone. And then lots of cops about. There was a woman who tried to come in when I was praying and she went to the other restroom. Then she came out when I did, in purple. I guess I was facing her direction when I was kneeling but my prayer was to God.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't you have a hearing today? How did it go?
