Thursday, August 19, 2010

curious about boyz n da hood

I'm curious about boyz n the hood now, which songs are from the exodus movement. i really don't know.

a couple of blonds came in and sat down. beautiful women, but not psychic.

I turned the music off altogether for now.

I'd know the psychic woman if I saw her I think. the closest i have seen to her was a woman driving by but she was trying to be noticed at all, and had her hair totally pulled back. she looked forward and didn't look right or left. but I still think the woman could be from out of the area or even country.

When I've seen her, all three times she's been sitting. I think, my impression, is in a single chair, not on a couch. This led me to wonder if others were around her on more than one occasion or if she was completely alone. This is not a hallucination either, but a mind's eye thing. So it's not like "seeing things" that one believes are real, but something completely different.

I think I've seen her more than 3 times but I remember at least that many. Only one time did she actually have her face covered in some way and then looked up as if directly at me, like she had been focusing with eyes closed or hands over face and then looked up.

The last time I had any impression of her was after first seeing what I thought was amythest so that made me think she possibly uses crystals of some kind.

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