Thursday, August 19, 2010

music this morning...nights in white satin first

I had a few songs to mind this morning but can't remember them. then i sat at another place and the one that came to mind isn't one i listen to a lot--the moody blues: nights in white satin '67.

dionne warwick, walk on by...another dionne song was coming to mind but i couldn't remember it. she has a voice like dionnes but i think it starts out with "you walk.."

(someone saying "christ" in a disbelief, shaking head way)

Oh, it was "the motels" only the lonely can play

then i chose i'm not in love but not random bc it came up with offerings and i wanted to hear it

bom bom song. listening to selena but it's a different bom bom one

bidi bidi bom bom

and good energy somewhere

i think my son would like this song. the bidi bidi bidi bom bom song

it is ricky martin, shake your bon bon. bon bon or bom bom?

haha. i haven't heard this song in a long time. i like the selena one though. the clip i found is from her last concert live and she's really good in it.

what is strange is that i sense emotion from somewhere, like happy tears or something from someplace. somewhere inbetween first playing bidi bidi bom bom and then shake your bon bon.

wait, the one i really like is from the TMAS. the sound quality is good. I like the other one too but it's harder to hear on the clip I got. but the one that came to mind first was shake your bon bon. I like all the songs though and I hope nothing is taken to mean something here.

I could tell someone expected me to go to this next cafe--
which is fine, but I knew before I even went there. It was just the closest place that had outdoor seating.

I'm playing the bon bon one a few times and had to charge up my laptop. it's the one by ricky martin.

One thing I have realized though, is that sensing the sad vibe doesn't mean it's bad. Because I got this a few times around family, and that doesn't mean I don't want to be near them, it's that I am closer to them than to the others and it's hard for me to feel what they feel. And sometimes there is more suffering to be felt with those you love than there is with others. It's easier to be away from it all but that doesn't mean they are not the best people to be around--it just means it's hard.

i sort of had don't close your eyes and then whitney houston's savin' all my love for you. they put on celtic music. i was trying to think about songs my family likes too...might play a few.

I have to file something today, as far as I know. I think it has to be filed today and not any later. I am told I have longer but I don't know that this is true.

i started to think of 50s and 60s songs but the one I like and used to sing a lot is "he's a rebel"

I guess i might play that newer sade song too. soldier of love and then maybe i'll play some old worship stuff. maybe akon first, after this (since, hell, i saw it on a truck sign) and then worship songs.

i played the sade version ft. Rel. Mmm, skipping Akon bc if I see it on a truck sign, I would rather play something lesser known.

Went to Andre Crouch "My Tribute: To God Be The Glory". it's from mightyk23 and features his sister. she hits one wild mariah carey note!


all my life. looked for christian song with this title. got bryan duncan. by eden512. a bunch of turquoise and lots of balloons. from "all my life and holy rollin'". i think it looks like the earl spencer guy. di's bro. this bryan guy. and the woman at the end who is interviewed looks like kate middleton. the one right before the holy rollin' song (passing on that one for now).

all my life, rap by "the exodus movement" this and it's old too. for some reason, makes me think of eminem. I don't know why. just this song i guess...or is it wyclef? the voice sounds familiar.

I like this song. I like the lyrics. My favorite of the day.

(i can sort of see a bunch of sisters with their hands up, like at a concert, with fists sort of up at a concert, black sisters, but probably whoever too, but I got black sisters)

All of a sudden, with this song, I was asked to turn it down or go outside.

I played a lot of other songs this loud and it wasn't a problem.

Not until this song.


I will play it outside.

I am not kidding. I was playing other rap too, and they didn't care. They didn't care until I played this song. It's a clip by John316Productions, and then it's with 10 videos.

First the one woman said it was fine, just that if someone came in to maybe take it outside if a customer came in. Then the woman who told me she was Jewish the other day told me to quit and go outside. I really don't know that she is though. I thought she was possibly just wanting me to think this for some reason.

So it's okaaaay to play every single other song, except for one that lifts up those who are traditionally put down??? everything is okay except for christian rap? what nonsense. I would say that the fact that every other song was fine except for this one, speaks to a form of discrimination. It's okay to play rap. It's okay to play latin music. It's okay to play secular music of any style. It's okay toplay wiccan music and to embrace what is wiccan or kaballah or mystic, but christian rap from a black group is not okay? And the message is completely positive. the song is from a CD that's titled "The Plague".

This group was featured in Boyz 'n' the Hood.
They mainly have a message of rising and gaining strength from a positive source, even when others try to put you down and keep you down.

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