Thursday, August 19, 2010

This Morning About Amythest & Other

This morning I thought about why I had the impression of amythest before connecting to something other, and I think possibly, that since I've not had this happen before, that someone I connected to (maybe the blond woman? don't know) uses amythest for her own thing. I've read sometimes people use a quartz for trying to see into things.

The vibe was very good this morning but it shifted. Now it just feels wrong again. It's about 9:10 a.m. and everything was positive and now it's not positive but sad and either my son is suffering or there is something else going on.

I also started picking up on a slightly negative vibe from somewhere and then it didn't help to have this one guy come by, and I realized he has thought I am or was interested in him but I've never been.

The energy was good this morning, and now it's not, but just sad.

After I posted this, it picked up a tiny bit. Like someone knew I felt it or something was corrected a little bit.

I think it's partly my son, who probably woke up about this time, and maybe some family or friends, but the people around me must not be that great. New people came in but it was also right at a certain moment, I sensed the shift.

I know that this is about the time that my son is getting up, or it was approximately that time when I sensed the shift, and also, some new people came in as well, or back.

Everything was good, from 7 a.m.-9 a.m. or earlier and then it went bad. Or sad.

I would stay where I am but the feeling will not improve. There is something wrong.

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