Monday, August 16, 2010


Oh. Haha. I just got the pun in all of this. How weird. I got really excited about this email I got, about early enrollment for my son!!!!! into Kindergarten!!!1

I am SO so excited and not even able to pretend to be mature about this exciting news.

The pun is that I just noticed the last name, right after writing about "bad men" and the last name is "lawless". That is really funny.

But they are willing to consider an exception and want to meet with me and I could not be more thrilled about anything at all.

And my lawyer for the other thing was working with me a little more this morning too.

I guess there IS some good news to report today.

I honestly feel like jumping up and down at the idea. I had to tell the first woman I saw and she was latino and I had to speak really fast in Spanish to tell her the good news. I am so excited, SO excited. She was happy for me too.

He is ready, he would love it, and really would blend so well. I'm really happy to hear this.

I really feel even preschool would be slow for him because of all the teaching he's had already. I would love to give him anything I can and this would be the best gift ever.

So this is the very best news I've had in a long time. I know he would love it and this way too, it won't cost like preschool but he could get in and learn things and he's so curious and eager to learn and to play and to please others too.

I love you Oliver!

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