Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Crazy Cat Morning (dream about prince william)

This was the strangest morning. But I feel good about my most recent choice.

I had a lot of dreams...very intricate and involved last night but there was one section which I would not have even remembered if it had not been punctuated with a seriously crazy cat fight.

I know dreams are only dreams, but in this segment, Prince William left Kate Middleton for ME. Yes, I know, a little odd perhaps. But then the craziest part was that as soon as I had this dream, I was awakened by a MAJOR cat fight.

I am not kidding. And the other thing was that this cat fight did not take place a distance off. No, it took place right at my window, only feet away from my head, right at my feet basically (I slept with feet torwards the window last night).

It was so weird and so random but sort of went together in a funny way that I thought, "I know I shouldn't give anyone credit for this if they set a spell or caused this to happen...but..."

And I told the housemate first thing in the morning. It was just two cats.

In the dream segment, it was sort of short, and 3 of us were there, just me, William, and Kate and I don't remember exactly but he walked over to me and was choosing me in some way. I don't remember the setting. But it was clear he had broken up with her for ME of all things and I've never had a dream like that one before, and then the hilarious thing is that immediately when this happened, a major brawl ensued outside of my window.

First I heard one cat growl and then the other one sounded like it growled back and then one attacked and they had a skirmish right at the window, exactly and precisely and then I was about to sit up and hiss at them myself to scare them apart but then they went to the side and quit.

I was like "Dream With Exclamation Point"

I have never had a dream like that before, ever, and the funniest part was the cat brawl right at that moment.

Then, this guy said he could take me to the thrift store bc I'm wearing the same shirt over and over and I wanted to bleach one which was partially bleached. He had to buy some but I saw something that looked like bleach under the sink and I then went to it and opened just one door, and it was right there. It was a cleaner with bleach next to Woolite and I said, "This will do" and began to soak my shirt and used the wooden end of a garlic hammer to stir it (I didn't see anything else to use).

Then I saw this capricorn cup on the table which made me think, in the car, that regardless of whether I know who is doing this or not, with the bugs and butterflies and moths, that I need to give credit to those who have this gift in some way. Because maybe even God wants them to have that credit (however, be careful how it's used!) so I thought about mentioning this moth I saw by the bookstore one day recently, which had the zodiac sign for capricorn or bulls horns on it right as I was thinking about horns for capricorn or my son too, as taurus.

Then, I was at the store and there was this very good energy in the room I went to for changing. I sensed, somehow, a good vibe. And actually, last night I did as well, right before I fell asleep I sensed a good vibe.

So then I was at the store and I found this shirt that had been bought but never worn and I felt it was almost chosen for me. It had my colors and looked very good. I put on shoes to match and then found just what I needed on the floor--a safety pin to keep the neckline from being so low. It went with my hair too because I had a small braid to the side and the shirt had yellow roses with a little bit of brown or tan highlights and on a cream background. I looked at myself and thought about wheat.

Then, I walked out with it on and saw in the glass case, a row of Cameos (jewelry) and this china set I liked right away, with wheat blades on it. And I had just thought I looked like I should be standing in a wheat field.

So then I bought this and one other athletic shirt to go with tennis for casual, and a teal shirt, and then I also later found a couple of other things after I found a few scarves. I thought I should get a white shirt and accessorize with the scarves and belts so I can stretch things farther. So it was sort of a classic french look but I felt, after walking out, that something was wrong. Something was wrong with the meaning, perhaps, that someone else put into the more classic clothing. I was proud of myself for thinking of how to fashionably accessorize but then I thought about how someone had wished and bought this brand new shirt or had it and wanted me to wear it, and so I changed. The neckline is perfect with my necklace and the colors suit me. Also, I later looked at what kind of rose and it's just a wild yellow rose. One yellow rose with two smaller flowers and I thought about how just yesterday I was thinking about white roses and red roses and that someone might imagine me to be the yellow rose. I was sort of thinking about the royal white and red sides and then thought how yellow is for friendship and that this is what I might be. Or something cheery like that. I like white roses too and peach ones. I don't think I've ever seen a black rose but that could be really pretty. If they could make a very black rose that has a scent like the purple roses have...the sort of sweet perfume with a hint of spice. The different colors smell really different. I like red ones too but only the wild or old-fashioned red roses because the ones from the flower shops usually don't have much scent.

It's a good morning so far. I went to this healing room place too and was going to see if I could be involved in praying for people. So I will find out later.

I walked outside after posting what I did and maybe it's not a great idea to write about this dream, but I wouldn't have if the cats hadn't brawled afterwards. That's what made me remember and think how funny.

Anyway, why should I worry about anything? Other than getting my son into kindergarden early? And getting him into my custody? Everything else is irrelevant except in what I might need to bring up to protect my son and myself and my rights and to explain why it is possible that I was being hunted down and terrified and harassed because I was a threat at some point?

Why shouldn't I bring these things up now?

Someone was in town yesterday that knows a lot. Knows a lot about me and what people have done to me and why.

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