Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Kate" from Broadway

This kate woman who gave me an email for stars-something or other, shows up whenever I am expected to be around. She came in the first time, with this big white Apple computer that made me think about the woman who was using a Apple computer (white) who tried to ruin my voice in Bainbridge when I was being hunted down by people in Seattle and Bainbridge.

That was in November of last year.

No, I believe it was closer to October and then things fell apart in November because it made me sound nuts when I wasn't nuts and I was being poisoned and chased around town and had major things happening which powerful people were trying to supress. It was around this time that the international people disappeared.

I suspect that something was "too late" around this time.

That the stealing and trashing me and then trying to make me sound crazy again, was effected in some way by this time and date and whatever was then "too late" affected me and my son after and was just a matter of holding together and keeping me under for long enough.

I next had housing with a man, at a place, where further bizarre things occured and were covered up.

Hey! thank you God! I somehow just got a confirmation that someone really does know a lot about my situation. I was right! I don't know how and won't say anything else, but thank you God, if at least a couple people know and will be able to validate me sometime in the future. That I am not a nutcase and have survived incredible things that most would never make it through. Mentally or physically intact.

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