Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Very Random Reading (might be last one...grand finale)

Today I got far more books than usual, just on a whim. I prayed it would somehow be meaningful to someone, whatever I got today. I read the Bible first and prayed too. Blessings for my son and protection for him. And then for forgiveness and for help and that today maybe something I get through this will be meaningful in an unexpected way. Then I opened the Bible and got Judges 7:18 "When I blow with a trumpet, I an dall that are with me, then blow ye the trumpets also on every side of all the camp, and say, the sword of the Lord and of Gideon."

This made me think about the man who played trumpet at the open mic in Seattle when I was being chased after there. I think this verse goes to him and then the rest, who knows. Mark 8:33, Romans 1:4, I Sam 16:21, and Job 10:3 (which I feel is for me).

Also, I had the song Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord-- "The name of the Lord, is like a strong tower/the righteous run into it and they are saved..." come to mind this morning as I was walking
1. The Red Pony by John Steinbeck
pg.72, "Billy," he began nervously, "Billy, you'll call me when it's getting born, won't you? You'll let me be there, won't you?" Billy bit the tip of Nellie's ear with his front teeth."

2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
pg. 133, (from section about king and duke and pirates), "Then he (the duke) showed us another little job he'd printed and hadn't charged for, because it was for us."

3. A Scythe of Fire by Wilkinson and Woodworth
pg. 73, "George R. Tony Lumpkin, junior second lieutenant of Company A, was not even supposed to have been there at all. He had been having very serious problems with his lungs for several weeks, coughing up blood."

4. You: Staying Young (the owner's manual for extending your warranty) by Michael Roizen
pg. 280, "Stay Centered. Tiny stones in the semicircular canals move through Jello-like fluid as we bounce around so we can tell up from down. With age, the stones develop osteoporosis and stop moving with us, causing us to feel dizzy, lose our balance, and fall."

5. Migraines for Dummies by Diane Stafford
pg. 167, "Check with a local school of massage for the names of qualified therapists in your area."

6. Low-Cost Pole Building Construction by6 Ralph Wolfe
pg. 102, Interior view showing sunken living room, clerestory windows, and attached wall panels."

7. Fly-Fishing Handbook by Dave Whitlock
pg. 82, Problem: Too wide a loop.
Solution: This problem results from a power-stroke arc that is too wide.

8. U.S. Army Special Forces Handbook (go figure)
pg. 70-71, Bridge Demolition

9. A Terrible Glory by James Donovan
pg. 221, "One hundred and fifty men rode down the valley of he Little Bighorn."

10. Brothers In Arms: The Kenndy's, the Castros, and the Politics of Murdr by Gus Russo
pg. 166, "After lunch, Jack led the men into the upstairs Oval Room. There was much to discuss, given the tensions of the preceding year, and Jack and Adzhubei did most of the talking. Kennedy began by warning that the Kremlin should not underestimate his resolve on Berlin."

11. The Death of an Angel by Christy Cox
(about child) pg. 37, I still remember that day like it is on instant reply constantly in my head. It was Sunday, July 20th 1997. Early that morning, I told you we'd go swimming lter, since it was our day off and we were going to have friends over for a Bar-B-Que."

12. A Sterkarm Kiss by Susan Price
pg. 133, "During the whole time the cart had been at a standstill, she'd been planning an escape."

13. Hour Game by David Baldacci
pg. 207, "King looked back and saw that Remmy Battle had raised her veil and was now staring at them."

14. The Hungry Season by Greenwood
pg. 115, "She was pretty high on X that night, and she just wanted to kiss."

15. The Partner by John Grisham
pg. 202, "Why did you go back to the cabin?" "I had to regroup." "Where'nt you afraid of being seen by Pepper?"

16. Pyramid Power by Eric Flint
pg. 189, "Water washes away your strength," said Thor, earning himself instant popularity with Ty and Tolly, "But we have a steam room."

17. Unchained (the dark forgotten) by Sharon Ashwood
pg. 255, "Talk to me Reynard, or I'll zap you" Holly warned, raising the wand, "Don't think I won't!"

18. Wicked Magic by Cheyenne McCray
pg. 127, "Please don't say the C-word anymore," Rhiannon managed to say, "Everytime I hear or think that word, that's when my headaches start and they only get worse with each mention."

19. The Look it up Book of Presidents by Wyatt Blassingame
pg. 113, Harry Truman (with opposing photo of U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima)

20. The Big Bug Book (a pop-up celebration) by David Carter
pg. ? ...but some bugs are faster and always win the race. (captain bug rogers and robobug)

21. Quitting Smoking (for Dummies) by David Brizer
pg. 201, Sampling Smokenders.

22. The Dual Diagnosis Recovery Sourcebook by Ortman
pg. 141, "The type of drug abused determines theneed for more intensive treatment. In my experience, those who have a severe problem with cocaine, crack, and heroin, which are so frighteningly addictive, need more support to stay clean."

23. The Only Wiccan Spell Book You'll Ever Need by Singer
pg. 117, Emotional Patterns and Energy Centers (chakras)

24. Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest by Baldwin
pg. 128, Shielding Exercise: "When you open your own life energy, you become more permeable to other energies around you. while still in silence, imagine yourself surrounded by white light, as though you were the yolk inside an egg of light."

25. Mastering Precision Piecing (7 Spectacular Quilts) by Sally Collins
pg. 46 "Square in a square unit"

26. God Ain't Blind by Mary Monroe
pg. 113, "Our booth was large enough for six people. But if Louis had sat any closer to me, he would have been in my lap."

27. Online Poker by Doyle Dunson
pg.89, "Can't Spend The Money Immediately"

28. DK Eyewitness Travel: Japan
pg. 232 "Exploring Kyushu"

29. Fodor's Exploring Hawaii
pg. 95, "Shrimp Pay"

30. National Geographic Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways
pg. 217, Missouri (Henry Lay Park)

31. Ukraine by Bradt
pg. 164, "Visiting Cherbynol"

32. NG Field Guide to the Birds of N. America
pg. 325, "Yellow-billed magpie"

33. Oprah: A Biography by Kitty Kelley
pg. 425, "Did you know that at the age of 14, I hid a pregnancy?" Oprah asked her.

34. The Impatient Gardener by Jerry Baker
pg. 50, "Use The Right Tools"

35. Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough
pg. 154 "Design that deeply respects diversity on all the levels we have discussed brings about a process of industrial re=evolution."

36. The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order,...are Destroying America by Jim Marrs.
pg. 386. "The current socialist fascism in America is the way it is simply because somewhere, someone wants it that way. If no one truly wanted the problems that beset the nation, they wouldn't be there."

37. The Daily Carrot Principle: 365 Ways To Enhance Your Career & Life by Adrian Gostick
pg. for January 9: Great Expectations. "To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act."

38. Ambushed on the Jaguar Trail by Childs
pg. 23, "You might wonder what Anna was doing while Jack and Matt roamed the wilds of the Pantanal in Brazil. After driving to Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix and saying goodbye to the two adventurers, she returned to Tucson and packed up her classroom. She was saying goodbye to her second grade students as well as to teaching."

39. Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies & The Truth About Reality by Brad Warner
pg. 156, "Sometime during my trip I decided to accept Dharma Transmission from Nishijuima and to get on with doing what needed to be done. Hell, as long as there were going to be Authority Figures in the world, I might as well be one of them."

40. If I had my life to live over, I would pick more daisies by Martz
(a poem)
On Loving A Younger Man by Alice Friman

41. Reefer Madness by Scholosser
pg. 113, "Seven months after the Meese Commission released its findings, President Ronald Reagan launched perhaps the most far-reaching assault on sexually explicit material in the nation's history..."

42. You Cat's Just NOT That Into You (what part of meow don't you understand?), by Richard Smith
pg. 117, If She Shows No Respect for You or Your Possessions. You, dear owner, are far too materialistic. Your shattered Hummel figurines were in my way. A cat who puts his needs ahead of yours? Impossible.

43. Raising Chickens for Dummies
(charlleeeey...oh yoo hoo chaAARley! this one is for you-hoo! just kidding)
pg. 187, "Carrying and Holding Chicks and Chickens"

44. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer
pg. 6th Verse by Lao-tzu
The spirit that never dies
is called the mysterious feminine.
Although she becomes the whole universe,
her immaculate purity is never lost.
Although she assumes countless forms,
her true identity remains intact.

45. The 7 Principles For Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
pg. 219 (what dreams are made of)--Travel

46. Why Mars and Venus Collide by John Gray
pg. 217, "You Have Everything You Need and You Always Did"

47, Strong's Concordance.
pg. 717 Judah

48. Personality Plus by Florence Littuer
pg. 109 Solution 4: Look For The Positives

49. Night Night (a devotional for couples) by Dobson
pg. Week 23 "A Time To Laugh"

50. Dare to Dream: See Yourself As God Sees You by Paula White
pg. 176, "Declare Who You Are!" Declarations can be statements about who you are or who you resolve to become.

51. Don't Panic--Dinner's in the Freezer by Martinez
pg.159 Pasta and More

52. American Profile Hometown Get-Togethers
pg. 97 Pineapple Casserole (serves 8)

53. The Art of Ponyo by Hayao Miyazaki
pg. 33,
scene and drawings of a boat drawn by a giant tortoise and dolphines or whales and a shower of rrain and some fluid poured into a silver or gold cup and then pouring this water out into the water...a woman with long red hair at the helm of the boat. some kind of jars, flasks, or vases, with handles there.

54. Graffiti Women: Street Art from Five Continents by Nicholas Ganz
pg. 165. "Well helloo there" a horse says in a drawing on the white wall.
"Horsie". Born in 1964 in Pittsburgh, Horsie lived in Germany for a few years but has since returned to her native city. ...Situationaists talked about "spontaneous acts of authenticity" as a way to create a new society, of Human Beings, not a bunch of zombies bogged down by the drudgery of life, mired in meaningless obligations. In other words, trying to bust out and do something joyous and meaningful and free."

55. Susie Coelho's Everyday Styling
pg. 138, "Driveway Studio Entrance"

56. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Decluttering: Win the Turf War With Your Stuff by Regina Leeds. pg. 94 Perilous pitfalls

57. Tana's Habitt by Tana March
pg. 201 Media Cabinet
"What the heck's a flange?"

58, So Fat, Low Fat, No Fat by Rohde
pg. 127 Stewed Tomatoes and Okra

59. Roads Less Traveled through the coeur d'alenes
pg. 7-34 211 McKinnley (jc penny operated here)

60. Knitting 24/7 Veronik Avery
pg. 61, "Fir Cone Shrug"

61. Rinnavation by Lisa Rinna
pg. 129, "The relationship ended when I began an affair with Peter, an actor who was working on a soap opera."

62. You: The Owner's Manual by Michael Roizen
pg. 181 "You've Got A Lot of Guts."

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