Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Subtle Harassment & Lucky Guesses

I made a few lucky guesses today. And then it was disappointing to have to hear subdued harassment or be in the middle of it, and people lying, but that's okay.

One thing is that I saw this man today who had blue eyes like I've only seen on the East Coast and then once after a hearing, a man gave me a ride from a hearing with eyes like that. Blue is common, but this kind of blue is really different.

I had pre-determined, before I went into the store at all, that I would do one random act of kindness (used to this a lot, in the 90s and early 2000s) and it was something in my mind before I even went to the store. So I asked the woman if she would apply money to the next persons' purchase whoever they may be and she said she couldn't so I looked and there was only 1 person in the room. I asked him if he would take it and he declined but at my hopeful persuasion said yes.

I already saw this number of boxes out, like someone was expecting me to match it in some way and so I did, just to be accomodating.

The lucky guesses have been very often. I just had one woman lie to me though. She denied tht I got even one thing right and at first I was willing to be wrong and then I realized, no, I was right, and she was lying to me.

This one woman and her husband, I was trying to figure it out...is it just ME? am I only reading their minds? I know it goes both ways when I'm around psychic people, but with them, they seemed everyday and yet I was picking up all kinds of things about them. And once, I read her mind, and knew what she was going to say and I was going to say it too, before she did.

She said, "I haven't been there in awhile" which was the PRECISE thing I was going to say and she beat me to it by a half second so I just stared and allowed her to continue. She was formerly just a bookkeeper. Just. But then I asked if she had kids and it came into my mind she didn't and then she said she did not. If she doesn't, I knew ahead of time. If she does, I somehow knew she would say no before she did or she knew what I was thinking first. Then, I asked if she did auditing, which doesn't go with bookkeeping but she had worked at a bank and said she did do auditing there. Then I asked if they lived in Leavenworth and she said no, in Wenatchee and then later I looked over and saw her shirt said "Leavenworth" on it. When I noticed (and she was never turned to me so I could notice) she then said they visited a lot. I saw them in Leavenworth a lot which is why I asked if they lived there. Then I asked about her husband and when I was looking at him I got something about boats. I saw them on a dock and especially him around boats a lot and she said he used to own or manage a boat store. I don't know if it's true but I saw them around boats and on the water a lot. Then I asked if they went out of country and she said no but that didn't seem right. I got the idea of them in Hawaii or someplace tropical but she said just Oregon. I still got tropical. They never admitted to it but I still got that.

Their friend with them brought Whittemore to mind but then I thought who does he look like and I had seem him around town several times. I asked if their parents were military and she said her father had been a "frogman" before they called them Seals. She said he did underwater demolitions.

I wasn't getting a really healthy vibe there though. I felt it was a joke and sort of a gossipy thing.

Then of course, in comes a woman who has the exact same haircut that I had. Exact and someone stole all my photos with my hair like that. I haven't seen a cut like that in a long time. After eating there, I was going to go on to the bookstore but went to the cafe instead for a minute and really, there are only 2 places with wi-fi for me to get anything done so I feel like people were put ahead of me to position themselves for my arrival because if I show up one place, it's a score of sorts and then if I show up at the other place, if somene else in the same team is there, it's a different score. And lately, it's been the town of psychic stalker.

I guess I have it coming because if I'm predicting and foreseeing weather and content from sermons without knowing what is said in that language, and seeing people's underwear, it's a given.

So I was sitting in this place where someone comes in with the exact same hair cut which I have not once seen before, on anyone in the area. Not the way I had mine.

I asked her some questions and she lied. She said she was hetero when I asked if she was bi or straight and she's bi if not gay. I don't judge anyone by haircut but I knew that when she said no, she wasn't telling me the truth, even though she is a very good liar. I would say if she's telling everyone that, she's not out of the closet yet. Then I asked if she played guitar or had a brother who played guitar and she said no and I said she really had a better psychic shield than the other couple I'd just talked to or she was lying. It wasn't like I was talking to a perfect stranger who didn't know what was going on. I knew she was there as a prop.

I would not speak to a complete stranger in this way, but I knew she had been told to go there and sit and wait for me to talk to her after I came out of the bathroom so I sat down and chatted a few minutes. I would never say to a stranger, "You have a great psychic shield or you're lying" unless I already knew, ahead of time, that it was staged and that she was specifically there to test psychic stuff.

Trump baby. Trumped on that one.

I blog about psychic stuff but people come in of their own volition to read about it. If I talk about it in public, it's only because I already somehow know someone is playing a game or testing something. Otherwise, if I wanted to bring up psychic things, I would preface everything as if someone were a beginner learner because just saying "psychic" freaks some people out. It sounds absolutely nuts, without a preface and explanation of why one would ask to begin with.

I would say it was still good in the sense that I was going to make a comment about how she reminded me of me, and then went to a cafe where someone was reading a title that said "like me" so this was very good. I did know that something was up and entertained, but it was still a good insight. I won't begrudge anyone their talent, if fairly won. If I had been completely ignorant about what was going on, it might have been spooky but I already knew so it was expected.

I also suppose there were some odds that I might comment about the hair when it was my exact style from the past. And then I would either go the cafe or the bookstore. So in some ways, it's more strategic than completely psychic.
Yesterday I was at the McDonalds and got something about a man and his sisters. I was talking to him and said, "You have a lot of sisters don't you?" and he said, yes, he had 3 sisters and I said, "and no brothers right?" and he said no and that was the impression I had. I sensed all of these sisters around him.

If he lied it would have been harder to know but I knew he wasn't lying and I know when some of these people are lying too.

For some reason, with this woman I just met with the short hair, I thought about her activities and what she did and it might have been from her past when she was smaller but I see her in a blow-up round tube around her waist. Like for swimming, but maybe not just as a little girl but a teenager or up to the age she is now. But a little younger I think. I don't see her swimming really, but I do see her with an inflatable tube around her waist that is multicolored.
And I know someone I know or have followed, is having sex right at this very minute. It is 7:40 p.m. PST. A man. I won't say who. I will say...um...no, no I guess not. I won't say anything else.

Have fun. How's that?

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