Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Miranda & Impressions (incl. sad vibe)

I wanted to check and make sure no one here was named Miranda even if I felt it had nothing to do with this location.

The Tempest: Miranda, daughter of Prospero. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tempest.

I owned few paintings in my life and have never read "The Tempest" but I had the painting "Miranda" by John William Waterhouse.
babylon toolbar has popped up, "gift for daughter--Cheap"

I still have to get rid of this.
After I wrote the part about someone having sex, I sensed this sad vibe right away. Someone was sorry about things and their conscience got to them.

I don't know how that can be, because how would they be reading my blog at the same time. So maybe someone else who knew was sorry about what was going on.
ohmigosh...It's Delilah on the radio and she was just saying something about trying to take the life or will of God away and fight it and how it doesn't work.


Because I was praying outside and sent this message out. I saw several things. This was a very strange moment. So now, to mark the time, it's 8:35 p.m. and the song played after she said this was "I Don't Know Why I Didn't Come".

She was saying exactly what I had been sending out...to whomever, through my thoughts and prayers and this long-haired blond woman almost fell off of her chair.

I went outside and sat at a table. I noticed different things. I noticed a stand for a table that reminded me of the celtic cross and then I found something under my table. Then I was looking at the rocks and then noted the kind of wall is made of windsor blocks (which I wouldn't have noticed except that I went to a rock and stone store today and looked around).

So I was sitting there and I found this smooth stone and held it inbetween both of my hands, inbetween my palms. Then I closed my eyes and prayed.

First I saw the pink sunset and I didn't like it. It made me think of Kate Middleton's hot pink spider cat hat on the cover of the magazine today. I said, to God, "I guess it's going to be a pink sunset" and it really looked that way and then after I'd been praying about other things entirely, I opened my eyes and noticed there wasn't anything pink in the sky at all. It really looked like it was going to be one flaming hot pink sunset. I don't know why I cared, but I commented to God and then it changed! yeah, I know sunsets change, but this one changed almost right away.

And no, I am not interested in someone I've never met. I just wasn't into the hot pink sky tonight.

Then, I was sitting there with the smooth stone between my hands and praying and it was a baby wipe under my table. So I was sitting there and I started telling any psychic who was paid to try to get things about me, that they should not fight God and if they are fighting me because someone is paying them for information or other things, they are fighting God, and to stop. And then I saw this blond woman almost fall off a chair and act shocked and surprised and I think she just got something or was surprised I got something. Not that she has anything to do with anything, but it was an insight into someone being very surprised that I was sending out my thoughts.

I meant about my son because I was thinking about my son and told God this is ridiculous, it's like any romantic wish I make might come true, but what is the hold up over my own son? And I got some impression from God that I could wish for what I want and it will happen. then I said, well I don't know what I would be wishing upon myself in reality so I postponed that wish and instead thought about my son and then directed my thoughts to any psychic out there.

I was facing different places and at one point, a door with a number and I started claiming every single thing for myself, saying that was MY number and MY door and God gives to whomever he chooses, whatever meaning they put into things and that whatever others meant for others, as they in a group may believe they've set something up to be a certain way, how this is irrelevant when it comes to the power of God. That the minefield of goliaths has no hold on anyone who is david in heart.

I shouldn't have said anything about the K.M. thing because it's none of my business and it makes everything sound strange. I don't know any of these people. And it has nothing to do with what God's will is because I am not sure what that is, which is why I wouldn't even want to make wishes for myself if I don't know. I do think I have a kick ass soulmate out there and it's not time yet. But that's it.

I feel pretty good though...like things will work out somehow. I pray my stuff, and feel the real thing, but I am sometimes off a little bit. So I don't want to be a pain.

Oh, the other thing I got was that for the first time ever, as I held this stone, I was thinking or praying and I saw something like amythest or a lavendar haze first, before I got through to the other stuff.

oh, and I got a really cool thing about Moses after I had this impression of people, or angels, on either side of me, helping to lift my arms up and it made me think about this song my Dad wrote about when Moses' arms were too tired to lift to give God praise, he had helpers lift them for him.

i like this stuff about amythest. I just looked up the meaning attached to it. I first sort of got something lavendar or purple and then I felt it was like seeing through a stone maybe, but here I was holding a smooth stone (solid) in my palms. And then I went on from there after the idea of amythest was in mind.

I have to say, probably the strangest thing so far. I've seen, somehow, this blond woman before but I don't know who she is.

But God bless everyone. I feel blessed even with all the tumult. And I love you, all you who love me and Oliver!

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