Tuesday, August 17, 2010

psycho town (and i'm supposedly the psycho)

I walked past about 8 people and all of them made this odd "Hello!" greeting in exactly the same way.

Doesn't anyone at all want to do something different than follow the crowd?

Also, I got a much better handle on where some of the problems with me and my son came from. Corrupt military and those with access to military stuff and police. It may be tied into religion, possibly, but possibly not. I just had this brother to a former Army guy pull a little psycho move on me, which made it plain and clear that some very dirty things were going on.

And then it only got wrose.

I feel like this country or world has been overcome by aliens. Why was I out of the loop all this time? I just wake up one day in my mid-30s and wonder what the hell is going on bc I never noticed it before? everyone was clued in except me?

No wonder some countries want to take this one over. And i am not even kidding. I get scared literally when I see the kind of asinine games that are played by old and young alike. I seriously think it is mental.

I know one hting, that my soul mate thinks like I do but is maybe a lot more discreet about it and undercover with their true sentiments.

This is nothing like what America or any country is supposed to look like.
I do want to clarify about the blond woman. The blond woman I have gotten at different times, has straight long blond hair. I don't know who she is. I think that since I only get her when I am doing the psychic thing, she is someone who must be incredibly talented and really good. I think she has to be a serious pro and she's pretty too. She's pretty but I don't have enough on her features. I just know she's younger, pretty somehow, slender, and I don't know how tall. I don't get any kind of feeling that she's an enemy or a friend, but rather that she has been able to tap into me sometimes and that we must connect now and then even if I don't know her. She is way better than I am. I don't know what nationality. I just know she is really good and I have seen a couple of times where she has been surprised by me in some way. Even if I did know, I wouldn't expose her because I have no clue what her motives are and they may not be bad. I don't know really. I just know she's top of the line and for some reason, I am an interest.

There are other psychics out there, some probably even better bc maybe they keep a good shield or are not as interested, or I don't know. I know there are many others. But she is the only one I have gotten more than once--at least 3-4 times.

No, this is not multiple personality disorder either. believe me. Well, I know that those who really know about this stuff, do believe me. It's a mind's eye thing, not a hallucination and it's not a form of me or a spirit. She's a real person that I have somehow mabye remote viewed in some way.

Anyway, that's all for now. I just wanted to clarify a little bit so not every blond out there feels the need to go driving by to make me think it's her or whatever. There are so many undercover people who do this and I can't see any of them. I pick up on a few things and I've sort of had a glimpse about her but that's it. She could be in the U.S. or a totally different country. I have no clue.

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