Sunday, August 15, 2010

impressions this morning

I didn't dream at all, so it was a nice break. Oh wait. Yes I did. Oh yes indeed, I now remember but nothing to share.

So then after being awake awhile, I prayed very briefly--a couple of minutes and then experimented with trying to see what people were doing or something about them. I think I must not be very good bc I don't meditate or focus long enough and just ask it like grass is green.

I asked about Anna Chapman, same course, and probably wrong--something about church but I don't think she's a church type so maybe someone she knew bc the woman had on a brown suit and a headscarf. Then, I tried thinking about the couple with kids who had the 8 deposits of $10,000 and just go the idea of sitting on a couch with arm out or maybe photos with long arms out like gathering people in. But that's general. Then, I tried for my mom and thought she was looking at some field and with my dad, the way his hands or someone's hands went into front pockets. Then something about the Queen and her examining something or turning something over--to do with horses or animals and their supplie or equipment (leashes? hoooves? I don't know) and then finally asked about Harry random and got a surprise. Just that he was watching me. In some way I guess bc for a minute I wondered what the location was. So maybe that is symbolic as in through someone else, I don't know. I didn't ask about anyone else and just spent maybe 6 or so minutes thinking of these things. Just random experiments and probably all my imagination.

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