Sunday, August 15, 2010

Russian Church & My Liability As Slightly Psychic

I am realizing that since I don't always know when I am right about something, I might have to be more careful and keep my mouth shut.

I don't bring up people's names from church ever. But I wanted to guess if I could pick up anything from the sermon without knowing the language. I don't know though because I left without asking and wanted to look it up on my own.

It was very strange before the sermon because I went there, and things I got earlier, presented there later. And then I am positive one guy there is psychic all on his own but I won't say who at all bc it doesn't matter and it's private. I don't know that he likes me as a person either, so having psychic people send or receive who might not be on your side isn't always good, but it is still fascinating I guess. I got an impression of something, a movement or motion, on one side and then I actually thought from him maybe and then he dropped his pen on that side. But I don't know if that was to signify what I had just received. I could describe exactly what it was, but wouldn't, but...even the pen would seem coincidence if it were a real coincidence but I don't think it was. I got something. It was down the right side.

I prayed for this one baby crying and whenever I prayed, it quit crying. As long as I was praying, the baby stopped crying instantly. Every single time, it quit instantly whenever I started to pray for the baby. I wanted to get up and see if it was okay but I prayed instead and that worked.

Also, a big strawberry theme today.

I woke up this morning and thought, out of all the menu items, when I usually like eggs, I thought, "I want strawberry pancakes" and then this man sitting there was having a bisquit or toast with tons of strawberry jam. And then I went to Olive Garden after church and 3 containers of strawberry mix were all there on the counter.
I didn't have my strawberry pancakes because I would have been late to church. I got there just a few minutes later.
What was strange, was that I had just blogged about this woman with the 8 accounts having an impression of long arms and then I was in church thinking, "That sounds like an octopus" and then I noticed, right in front of me, this woman who was wearing a hair clip with 8 prongs and it looked like an octopus.
Also, well, there were a LOT of things. I thought, it was like sitting in a psychic spy lab. But it was church! So then I wig out, to manage this..
Like I was telling someone the other day--"I'm trying to wrap my mind around this Russian Baptist thing. I mean, do they believe in drinking? They're RUSSIAN! but they're BAPTIST! How do you reconcile the two?" and the person laughed out loud.
They had some nice music today and 2 songs brought tears to my eyes but only on one song did I sort wipe a silent tear away.
I heard a lot about Russia and Siberia and those were the only words I understood. I heard a nyet somewhere in there too, and knew that meant "no".
But I didn't get there ahead to ask for a translater so I took notes and figured I was wrong, but would try to absorb the messages.
I have to look at the bookstore, though, to find out what the translation is from Russian characters to other characters. I thought maybe the first sermon was about harmony and brotherhood. Then there was a song and I thought "cast your cares on him, for he cares for you". Then another song that sounded sad but I felt peace and wondered, sung that way, if it was about burying the dead or something. Then there was a song that had a word that sounded like "Corn-cov-yon".
Then I wondered if the second sermon had anything to do with considering a field to buy it.
Then a song with a word like "moyay moyoh moo" and it made me think of sun breaking forth.
Then there was a song with the accordian and it sounded very traditional and something that sounded like: "brigadee gadah senseden yamah noose...gadahyah gamaous" or something and it sounded very traditional and made me think of a large structured and tight circle of people dancing. Maybe soldiers, maybe not, but a definite circle.
Then another song and maybe sad. Then at this last song, which referrenced allelujah, it also sounded very traditional and I saw a white wedding veil. I didn't know who it was for but I only saw this veil. Oh, and this song playing right at this moment said something about "got me down on my knees" (caught up in you, 80s song) and I also saw this but didn't know who. I had some strong impression of on knees, but the veil thing was out of nowhere. It was like the mysterious veil doing a solo act of its own bc I saw nothing with it, it was just sort of descending like it was being placed but I saw no hands or dress or person or anything.
I say all of this with caution, bc it is not always what is intended for oneself but could be about someone else and without knowing who the sender is, knowing this is different from God Himself, it is difficult to judge sometimes, where the idea is coming from. But it was harmless at least.

I enjoyed it and then knew I was to just leave without chatting to anyone but just go today and look up the verses and find out what it was about and if it matched at all to anything I was trying to absorb (or not).
Then I got sort of lucky and found someone who I know I might be able to of the mental health guys who cleared me (rightly) before I left for Canada!!!! and I got to hear a little more about him, which was really cool.
I am hoping to get a lawyer!!!!!
Thank you to any and all who are helping my son and who can contribute to his happiness in any way.

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