Sunday, August 15, 2010

Leftie Attraction Experiment

This guy sat next to me and I felt slight chemistry but said, "Are you just cute, or are you gay?" I won't say who of course. But what was weird was that then it occured to me...




I hadn't looked at his hands at all. But based ont the chemistry factor, not that I am interested but just sensing that weird pheremone thing, I said, "Are you a leftie?"
and he said, "No, but my mom is!"

And then he said he was pretty much ambidextrous but his mom was a lefty.

Is that not interesting.

And then he said, publicly, but I won't make it on my blog or anything, that he's "Bi".

So, so, figures. I said, "Oh no." But anyway. I didn't want to date him, I was only curious about the handedness.

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