Friday, August 27, 2010

insects, eye in back of my head, and aneshka

I got the name or word that sounds like "anneshka" or "ahn-ESH-kah" this morning. I don't know if it's a Russian word my subconcious picked up from last night or what. It was when I was first out, in the morning, around 7 a.m. or possibly a little earlier. Probably 6:30 a.m. I think-7 a.m.

Then, 2 insects out of nowhere. One light grey and black striped and it was a yellow jacket but only the legs were yellow and the body was grey and black. ? and then following that, a man standing right there staring at me, wearing grey and black. Seriously. And then a bright true turquoise dragonfly followed, from out of nowhere. It was solid turquoise, like the Gordon semi truck color.

And then I went to Douglas county where I went to a house and as I turned around and walked away, I stopped in my tracks. I knew someone was looking at me and I turned and my eyes went straight to the windowblinds, which were parted, and then which, upon finding me swivel to catch this, instantly shut.

I went back to the door and someone took a long time answering. I said, "Some say I'm crazy and others say I'm psychic. If you know Judge Hotchkiss, go ahead and let him know what you saw." They said they didn't know him but one was looking down and looking away. I don't think it was an honest answer, frankly.

It may sound kind of crazy to bring it up, but I figured, psychic trumps all and so for the record,

Don't mess with me! I mean this in the best way, that I think this is possibly something God might want to convey. I don't ask for special privileges--I demand what is rightly mine.

Then I went to a school where they were there and the door open and they allowed me to use the computer for a minute.
the other thing that happened was I started reading a book I was given yesterday, a biography and then I closed my eyes for a very fast second to think if I could get something, in just a couple seconds with no prep, of someone, and I for some reason, immediately saw the person and with a cat or cat around and it seemed to maybe be a grey cat and then after this I saw the grey/black bee in real life. I can't confirm it now but maybe someday i could.

That's all that I would like to share. Nothing else.

other things later maybe, not now. Goodnight and God bless those who bless my son.

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