Saturday, August 28, 2010

lucky guesses or intuition & then U.S. persecution

I had a couple of lucky guesses I guess.

This man I just met for a few minutes, I was looking at him and then fishing came to my mind. Like, a lot of fishing and he looked back at his vehicle and said how did I know. I said why did he look at his car? and he said well, because he thought maybe he still had his fishing rods up where I could see them. but they weren't there and I said, "I don't know, I just saw you fishing." he said he did, and then we talked about insects and insect intelligence and everything, so it was fun. he said i looked russian and i said i wasn't but i'd been told this before and recently went to russian church and he asked about it so i gave him a flyer from the russian missionaries who were there from san diego. he said he had a ukraine friend so he would maybe give it to her , or let her know about the church.

then I also met this other man earlier who, when I saw him, sort of had an impression of an angel, like a literal angel, or supernatural one I mean, and i saw him praying. i didn't tell him this and just asked if he was very religious or had he ever had a religious experience like a vision before. it's the first time i've seen this, but i know there are many others who this happens to and it doesn't make them special or better in any way. i just wondered and he said well, he'd had a vision once of jesus and then he'd had many near-death experiences where he knew he should have died but didn't. he said he couldn't count the times he had almost died and should have, and didn't for some reason. i then told him why i had asked this and what i got and thought that sort of fit. because i had been about to say to him, "you must have an angel over your shoulder" and that was sort of the impression i got. that whoever he was, good or bad i don't know, but it's not always about our own worth and sometimes more about grace of god for some reason unexplained. when i saw him praying, i think it was him, and on his knees, maybe just one point in life, i don't know, but arms up actually. then i saw the angel behind his shoulder which was not a real vision or an image even, but this idea or impression somehow, and i saw this, which was what made me think "angel over his shoulder" my very brief impression, the size of a very large man like 8 feet tall. shaq o'neil size vague idea. and with wings but i think it was more the idea somehow than an actual view bc real full sightings always are accompanied with such a presence, that people are afraid and have to be reassured. "fear not". it was more of an idea that perhaps HE had had a vision or spiritual experience of some kind in the past. that's what i got, right or wrong. i think that the way it fit or was confirmed to me was when he said he'd almost died a number of times and was spared for some reason. now that i think about it, if he was on his knees with his arms in the air, i guess there could have been some other situation going on too, like an arrest or other matter, but my initial impression was prayer, and i thought it had to do with him in some way and then right after is when i got the impression of an angel hovering behind him which gave me the impression of angel over shoulder idea. but then he started talking about aztecs, which are cool, but then how some of them were into cannabalism, which isn't so cool, but anyway,, that's what i got and it was probably just the simple idea of being protected from harm for some reason, sometimes. it wasn't that i had the impression that he was a holy man or anything, it was more about some situation(s). i suppose i should clarify that part better...i feel like writing what i did sounds like favor or goodness but it was only with regard to the idea of an impression of being saved from something or someone looking out in some way. it doesn't mean he is better than someone and the cannabalism talk thing did freak me out a little. but that's what i got and it wasn't a woman or a human being. it was about something spiritual so this is exactly why i asked if he'd had a vision or religious experience of some kind. who knows. maybe there was just an angel in the room who thought breakfast looked pretty good and wanted to have a look. just kidding. it wasn't for that moment, but i felt for some idea instead, for concept.
most of the time, i might get just one small impression from someone, or maybe not at all, it just depends. that's without really focusing at all or praying.
the person i saw petting the cat yesterday, was someone i have connected with before but it might not be right. i think petting, but maybe just around, however, i think petting.
then, towards the end of the night, someone who for some reason, makes me smile. peer stuff is there i guess, but he and his friend crack me up. just got something in my eye...kind of dusty here. 1:20 p.m. smirk.
I am reading this book about a russian missionary today. will write out about a couple of excerpts...
now, i am sort of wondering about something. i just went back and sat in the opposite direction and this time i was facing a painting which i am thinking, it is possible this man who i "saw" kneeling and praying, could have been looking at that painting and then i just caught a glimpse of what he saw, through his eyes.

it's possible he's prayed in this manner, but when i faced the painting and looked at it, i saw the same position of prayer that i saw with him. in the painting, there is a man kneeling that same way, and with his arms raised, that same way.

now, if i'm seeing egyptian stuff through someone else's eyes too...when i did, i don't know. i can't explain it.

i still think there is a slight difference though, because although the knee position was the same, the hands were lifted up more extended all the way, not just cupped like the man's in the painting. they were straight up.

still, i don't know.

with the egyptian thing, it was like i was seeing something someone else was looking at but i also thought it could be something else. i looked at this british library photo clip and i looked at hieroglyphics again and what i saw that one time, was a little bit different. in one of the paintings before i saw the more dimensional gold figure or face or whatever, it was of an egyptian and i think they were kneeling down on one knee. traditional with the outfit and style and headdress but like one knee and possibly in lighter shades of tan, yellow, or very pale yellow or something and not in really bright contrasts of say, purple and white or anything. but that was a figure which flashed by among a few others, and then the gold one with the eyes is the one i mainly focused on. there were hieroglyphics too, i'm sure, but not in a table of them, i didn't see any kind of a composite table.

it reminded me of when i was studying hieroglyphics on my own though, and i had a little book on it. i got into it and tried to teach myself the language and studied the symbols but that was back during litigation times, in probably, 2004.
this book about a man's trials in the Soviet Union, of persecution in his case, reminds me of what I am going through in the U.S. Things that I never imagined were possible in the U.S. I am hoping someone turns it around soon.

The book is "Letters from a Soviet Prison Camp" by Mikhail Khorev. I'm on p. 72.

The first chapter made me feel like crying. Then, the rest, I went through quickly and want to finish the book today.

p.16, "I replied, "I am not asking you either to keep me here or to release me. I am saying that it is unjust of you to deprive me of my freedom. If you release me now, you will be a criminal because you detained me when I was not guilty. If, however, you condemn me, then you will be guilty of an even greater crime because you condemn me when I am innocent."
from pg. 52, "The other witnessess testified in similar fashion. The testimonies were all extremely one-sided since they all belonged to various state organizations or to the police authorities. One woman, a former collaborator with the police, even testified that the Christians had hurled offensive and abusive language at the authorities. Such testimonies only confirmed that the witnesses knew that they with total impunity could spread any lies or slander they wished about Christians."
(hmm, why do I find I can relate to all of this? what's even worse is that those who have done this to me, most of them, call themselves Christians or are religious in some form)

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