Wednesday, August 18, 2010

lucky guess about special teddy bear

I just got a lucky guess about a teddy bear. A special one.

This guy was sitting there and I asked to get something about him and just staring at him this teddy bear came to mind.

I saw the size and color and everything.

I looked at him and said, "Did you have stuffed animals when you were little?" and he said, "Yes." I said, "Did you have a special teddy bear?" and he said "Yes" and I said, "How come you remember it?" and first I said, "Was it about this big?" and made a size guess. He said it was that size and it was the color I had. Brown.

So I said why did he remember it and he said "I was 4 or 5 when I had it." I said, "Well why would you remember it though?" and he said, "Because my parents saved it and kept it until just recently."

I said, "Was it on display or something?" and he said, "No, it was in a box." and I said, "How come you only had it until recently?" and he said, "Because I gave it to my niece." I said, "How old is she?" and he said she was about "6" and then I said, "How long ago did you give this to her?" and he said, "About 1 month ago."


  1. not to rain on your parade, but just about everybody has had stuffed animals when they were little, just about everybody has had a brown bear. so i don't think your "special" talent is knowing that stuff...I think you are "special"...but not because you knew he had a brown teddy bear when he was a kid...but because you are a crazy chick

  2. hello exasperator,

    yes, you are the sour little black cloud standing in the way of all of my honey-claim aspirations. it is you, dear little raincloud, who puts a puff over my piff and a snuff to my sniff. poor me, to have you, busy little bee, stinging me so relentlessly, without a care for anything but settling your blazing behind in my skin.

    you are very special. in fact, you are special in a new class of specials and they offer a class at wenatchee valley college for that. ask for homer.

  3. ...pit to my pot.

    i forgot about that one and it came to mind as i walked to the pizza hut to stiffle my terrible sorrows with a piece of pepperoni pineapple pizza pizzaz, pisser.
