Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More Harrassment (douglas county)

I went to the douglas county as everyone knew I would already, and just more harassment. Some interesting new mindgames by blogger too, which is now owned by Google.

For example, I couldn't get into my blogger account at first, and instead was being made to type in the verification codes which were coming up as "Seidist" "SuBOLE" among other things.

3-5 silver vans like the one which belonged to the man whose house I was practically tortured at, were in town. This is a very small town. One of those vans was from another state. Every one of them was parked in a place where I would notice (one at the courthouse in front) and then one drove by me slowly. I noticed a few others driving by, in not an exactly friendly way. I wrote a few plates down and will do it later as well. I got one which was from Idaho.

I think one of the more concerning things was how this woman decided to get on my bus up to the courthouse and she was very nice but I got the quick understanding that something was up. I had the impression that she was there and people driving by thought something was great about it and I had this distinct impression that most of those people driving by were Catholic. Then I asked her what parish she went to. She said, "Parish? or do you mean church?" and I said, "Parish". She said, "Mary, Queen of Peace."

More later. I got a lot on the psychic level while talking with her. Again, I thought she was nice but I questioned the gaming around.

Then I was at the courthouse and the clerks had a CD sitting there for me that said, "Get me a song". After I showed up and didn't pull it out for myself (having not seen what the writing was but knowing it wasn't for me instinctively), they took it back. I said, "Is there a reason that was sitting there?" and I was told someone "left it for them". Sorry, no one just leaves a CD there without a clerk getting out of their chair to pick it up. The person who "left it" there was a clerk.

Then I was sitting at this stop trying to get wi-fi and instead of patching in as I should have been able to do, the wi-fi connections in the area were all over the place and popping up new names like St. Joseph's Parish on top and then butterfly and a bunch of stuff.

The woman who was on the bus said she did accounting for Starbucks. I had an impression she worked for the FBI in some capacity but who knows. She does accounting for international accounts. I got something about Abercrombie, like her daughters (or kids) maybe worked there or something or liked that store a lot and she said it was immediately in their neighborhood. Then I had an impression about cream pie. Like she had been eating pie. She brought up some pie store that was nearby.

More later. I am really tired of constant surveillance and nutty stuff. Yes, nutty.

I was told I cannot email my next lawyer. I said that is not for the courts to decide. Very odd note which I got a copy of.

303 ZKH WA, harassing woman.
JP 62224 Idaho, harassing man in blue mercury sedan

A man in a white truck watching everything I did too. More later.

1 comment:

  1. You are a lunatic you need to never see Oliver again you are making him crazy no one cares about you only to make of the crazy person
