Sunday, August 15, 2010

lucky guesses

I met this man at the Jack in the Box.

I asked if I could share the table with him and we chatted a little bit. I asked if he'd been in the military and he was in the Navy. Then, he said he worked in a boiler room and that this is what he'd done in the military. I had "tempurpedic" come to mind. So I said, not saying "temperpedic", "What kind of mattress do you have?" and he said, "It's a Sealy". I said, "Is Tempurpedic made by Sealy?" and he said he thought so but didn't know.

Then I said, "Are there different kinds of names for the boiler room parts?" and he said yes and I said, "What are they?" and he said, "Well, there's the engine and the boiler room and the pressure..." and I said, "Is there anything like 'mainstay'?" and he said, "Nooo..." and I said, "Well, anything very close to mainstay?" and he said, "Yes, there is a main steam." I said, "Is it a big deal?" and he said yes and said it was a huge part of the boiler room.

He got sort of nervous then, and said, "That is pretty good." I got a few other things about him but I don't remember everything or couldn't think of it with him either.

I later looked it up and it's one of the main vocabulary for the boiler room. Main Steam valve, main steam pressure, main steam pipe, main steam...
Then I met someone Italian who I've talked to before and we got to talk about family stuff. I didn't try any guessing, just chatting and listening.
Then I met 2 Canadian guys who had been in the military for 30 years or more. I gave them directions to the American Legion Post. I had something come to mind and they smiled but didn't say anything. It was the humpty dumpty rhyme for some reason and I thought it might have something to do a military phrase and when I said this they said, "Well, we're Canadian". They had been in air control and radar work.
Then, I went to the next place and sat across from this woman who was a spitting image of Diana, almost. I was sitting and first thought, "She looks very European" and then when she said she was English, Welsh, and German, I thought the reason I was staring was because she looked like DIANA.

Thank goodness I have my marbles. Otherwise, I would talk to her and question my sanity.

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