Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sad Vibe

What is odd is that I sense a sad vibe, now, for the first time all day. No, actually I sensed it torwards the end of the sermon today and first part of the last song at church and then it revived. Revived with my tear I guess, by the end.

The woman who looks like Di left and then the strangest thing is that I felt a sadness from somewhere and I don't know if it was a trick or someone is winning some contest again, or it is something about the woman or what. But I sense it. It might be my son too, almost his bedtime.

I feel someone is extremely sad.

I sense sadness to the point of crying but not so much now. Still sad but crying more earlier or tears or something.


  1. I found your blog by accident when googling Mackenzie Cowell, you're quite prolific!

  2. Yes, one more unpaid "published" writer.

    Some of my posts have been deleted or added to.

    If you asked, I could tell you which ones.

    Usually, only the ones with any kind of incriminating evidence or mention of facts.


  3. I find your blog pretty fascinating. :-D

  4. You are a man.

    State your name and purpose please.
