Saturday, August 21, 2010

more lucky guesses (i think) & the van gogh poppies

I saw the news about the van gogh paintings which were stolen and there is one of his famous self-portrait, but oh! i love "poppies"! at the end of the article someone says an elementary school kid could do that, and that it's elitist but i don't think one has to have a degree in art to feel the movement and emotion of this one. it seems to me, that so much emotion went into this painting! i wish that i could see the texture better, because the background is as impressive as the actual flowers which were painted. i really love it. i guess it's called "poppy flowers". this is one where i can't explain it, but i see it and want to kiss my fingers or do something myself to express how i feel. but then again, i am also hearing live music right now so maybe it's all the art surrounding me right now.

i think i need to look at some better photos of this one though. i can understand why someone would want to steal it--it's gorgeous.

hhahaha. how funny. i am reading now that a couple of italians were "nabbed"--and i'm wanting to kiss my fingers. figures! made me smile. well, i have to say, that is good taste. i guess it's more commonly called "vase and flowers". still reading about it.

i don't know why someone, if it's been stolen twice...someone should have painted a copy and created a diversion. maybe this was more spontaneous though. not giving advice on theft, but just thinking...

i really love that painting, now that i can see it, since it's been featured. i don't like all of van gogh, but for my taste now, i really like it. i like the bold color, the rich texture, and the emotion of it. it's a still, in motion and e-motion. and the two drops of orange at the bottom where the placement of it. love it. love it.

i don't know how to properly critique, but that background is like black velvet, molasses, and dried fall leaves and roses. I can see all kinds of things with's inspiring. i just need to see some better photos.

hahaa. is this guy singing a song about theft right now? it sounds like "rob me mama"?? or something about rama?

i think that background also has moonlight, blood, and a little bit of wine. i want to say cedar too but i need to see other photos.

Oh, that was just the background of the black part! I found the rest of it, the whole thing and it's beautiful. I love everything about it. I like the composition and balance to it, the texture, the movement, the colors...everything. It says it takes a little from something french but in a vauge way it also reminds me of japanese art. ? the flower petals around the base remind me of a haiku.

OH! I just read the bbc news! it's still on the loose! maybe someone did create a diversion of some kind then.

It is so beautiful, I hope whoever took it takes good care of it while it's out there. Regardless of who has it, I hope it's not damaged at all. And yeah, it should be returned to those who paid for it. yes. It was paid for. So, of course. But I swear, I can look at it and almost's just so...i think I'm gushing.

I was going to attach a link for it, with the full sized photo but I have to find it again. First, the texture I could see from CNN photo impressed me. With the background alone and then I got to see the structure of the thing, and balance, and that one really is a masterpiece.

Thank God for books, art, music, and media. In the middle of all the Bullshit, stop, drop, and roll (but um, no, not "rollin' " like that) but it makes me want to create.

First I hear a little music and want to get my guitar out and then I see this painting and want to get out the oils. I love oils.

I don't love the self-portrait of Van Gogh though. I respect it, but actually, you have to honor it entirely because he literally captures his emotional state there, all on his own, and yet there were no suicide hotline numbers to call then. I would say, one look at that man, and protect that person. He paints himself with a fragile and haunting look. He paints his personality as highly sensitive, so is it any wonder? then he decides to shoot himself? just the fact that he can convey this aspect of himself in his eyes, which he paints himself, is impressive. Not just technical skill...a true emotive gift. But then he offs himself and no one looking at his work could pick up on his feelings?

My opinion is that art is art and is NOT always reflective of the true emotional state. This is what artists do--convey truth and sometimes deliberately alter, mask, create, and conceal. But in what he did, I think he was fairly honest. He was brave enough to paint himself surrounded by blue skies and even wearing some jolly fucking straw sunhat, and then his expression is so different. A deep and old soul confined in a Sunshine State which he is not really connecting with even if he's surrounded and wearing it on his own head.

i think the Queen just laughed.

Just kidding.

But, he also looks like an alcoholic. Was he? because he fucking painted alcoholism into his own face.

Okay, I need to read up on Van Gogh for a minute. Okay, according to wiki, he was drinking absinthe heavily in his later years. Not most of his life but torwards the end. So I guess I wonder when he painted this self-portrait. And it says he became a heavy smoker. And it says he got maybe,, sphyphillis.

Hmm, which, well I was wondering, because I looked at that painting "Vase with flowers" and "poppies" and I was getting a lot of sex out of it. Like, it looks like moonlight in the background but I was sort of picturing him painting in a darker room with lamplights and then having some woman there in the room. I thought, "But he's painting a vase of flowers" and I still had this idea that even if the woman was not his model for his painting, there was maybe sometimes a woman there in the studio while he painted. I don't know, bc I haven't read up on him, but that's what I got in a minute.

The self-portrait I refer to is the one featured on
anyway, sometime I might look into this more. I like this painting though.

So, my other lucky guess was with this woman who came into the cafe. I asked her if she had any pets and she almost listed a whole zoo. All I was really getting was some kind of big dog(s) but she has one of everything and then said she had a dog and I said what did it look like and she said it was small. I said, "Oh, have you ever come in here with a dog?" and she said no and then I said, "I wonder if you remind me of someone else because I was getting a large dog" and then she said, "Well, we have 3 large dogs, but they're with my husband. I took the small dog." I asked what kind and had mainly a German Shepherd and also maybe a lab or lab type in a really vague sense and she said they had a German Shepherd, and something else and then she said a lab mix too. I somehow had this impression, which was vague, but of a larger dog being next to her.

So she said little dog and I tried to trust myself and ask further, about a larger dog and I think it was pretty good. ? I think maybe 50/50 odds, but good of me to not just be dismissive of myself and what I was "getting".
this band is really doing some interesting music. "shorty is like a melody..." pretty good for what sounds like fok interpretation of hip hop or rap.
by the way, I have no idea what got into me with the van gogh thing. One minute I was lookiing up normal news and then next minute, I fixated on that painting and it drew out all of my creative instincts.

OHMYGOSH. Maybe I'm a natural. ?

I went from the date that bbc gives for when he painted the poppy flowers to looking, on wiki, at the time he began drinking, and guess what I found? He started studying JAPANESE WOODCUTS at the end of his life.

Do I know a fucking haiku or what?!???!!!!

I can't believe it. I nailed it. Well, in an amateur way I did. I was even going to specify "wood cuts" but generalized with japanese.

I am wondering about the woman lying on the settee or couch or bed or whatever while he was painting "Vase with flowers" now. Is THAT in a book somewhere? someday i might try to find out.

Oh, yeah, now I've read, he was right in the middle of his japanese wood-cut phase when he did the Vase with Flowers, so this makes sense. I've never seen his Japanese influenced stuff though and hadn't looked him up before, not even on wiki. I have seen his more european and french countryside and field and the sunflowers and starry night stuff. The works which have been a little more mass-produced.
Well I think this is the first time I actually cried, in a long time, over getting an impression, about an artist no less and then reading something that confirmed what I was getting. Just silent tears. I just read this biography piece about how he moved in with a prostitute whom he loved and cared for, after being rejected by his first cousin, whom he was deeply in love with, and isolated from his family. She fully moved in with him. He drew her, however, I don't know how long he was with her. I mean, it sounds like he was with her a long time and she was around his artwork but I sort of wonder if he was around someone around 1887 when he painted the vase painting, because I felt a lot of sex out of it. And then I thought, "If it was one of his latter paintings, he was a very old man...having a lot of sex?" but then I read, no, he actually shot himself when he was 37 so he was only 34 when he painted this work.

What is incredible is that the only painting anyone ever purchased was ONE, painted right before his death. Just months before. So it's really sad, because he was incredibly talented and not compensated for all his work and effort. And looking at that red field painting, which someone finally's really interesting, with the slant. Like looking into a crystal ball. I've never looked into a crystal ball, but the perspective is rounded, in the red field painting that someone finally bought, with everything kind of turning in. I like the trees in the corner to the left, how they turn in to the right.

I wonder if he ever looked into a crystal ball or was using some kind of idea like this for that painting.

I just typed in a search for "van gogh, psychics and fortune tellers" and found he did a painting called "encampment with gypsies". I don't know. so it's possible he was around psychics and fortune tellers. !

round-a-bout way to find this out, from thinking about a painting, but kind of interesting. And I also read his first works were actually purchased by a Russian guy who then sold them to a Russian museum, and this is where he got his first recognition (I think).

Oh, cooool. I just read his "Encampment of Gypsies with Caravans" was made in 1888, so this was at the end of his life, around the time he made his Red Vineyard at Arles painting. Let me see when that one was made...

Oh wow. He made the "Red Vineyard at Arles" in 1888. About the same time? at least the same year he around gypsies. Hence, it IS possible...

I think I'm freaking myself out a little bit.

Well, thank you God, for really cool things and insights. Now I'm curious about which one was done first and if he was around psychics before or after and everything. I don't know. Just a little crazy cool.

I am trying to find a timeline. Just found out the self-portrait of himself in a straw hat was in 1887, so this is probably when he had already become a serious drinker. I am not able to find anything about the other paintings, and order, yet.

I can't find it, last minute. Will have to do another day.

I have a few other things to do tomorrow as well.

This was sort of a nice quick re-introduction into what I love to do--analyze works of art. maybe not with a trained eye and ear, but it's enjoyable at least. So much to discover there and kind of cool with little infused intuition.

I wonder where that painting, Vase with Flowers, will turn up.

Will try to find chronology later and maybe look at some other things.

I found the full size version of Vase with flowers/poppies @ PURSUITIST.

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