Saturday, August 21, 2010

Strange Luck & My Impression For Invasion of Privacy

It was very odd. Today there was this mystic turn of events. It doesn't affect anything I don't think, but it was sort of cool. Gypsies! Ze gypsy musique.

I was walking to a store to get something to eat and decided to eat a t.v. dinner at the house instead and then I decided to clean. Just looked around and decided to leave the laptop to charge at the cafe and clean. Why then? i don't know, but the cleaning bug bit.

Then I kept trying to find music. Couldn't find a CD player and then I noticed it was right in front of me, this little sort of old fashioned stand-alone smaller jukebox style Thomas box. So I turned it on and it was Koho french music! And then it was playing this cool music by "il printemps" and then some other music too, with s. african, french, italian, and other influences. They were playing new european mixes I guess and it was really cool. I came in on a couple of gypsy, mystic diversion songs, or songs in french mainly and I just washed a lot of dishes. I would have to go back to the playlist to find what they all were and then it was back to normal music. I felt some kind of luck changed a little bit, hopefully, to benefit my son.

I washed all the cups first. Well, first I threw out a lot of garbage. Then I started washing cups and found gloves too. Anyway...long story.

Then I went out to get a drink and decided to go to the organic store and what was kind of strange is that I had the drink in mind right before I went there. I saw what it looked like but I was thinking it was coconut milk or a water of coconut or something. I got to the store and saw it was new and I've never seen it before. But I was told it's not exactly coconut flavored so i got that one too.

I was doing something earlier too, and I have no idea why, but an impression of something about a sort-of famous woman came to mind, being with possibly other men than whom I'd expect but I can't rely on that bc it might be my imagination or something wrong that someone sent. I have no idea why I'd get this about someone when it's none of my business and I didn't ask, unless it was just something to put in the arsenal or something. I don't think anything bad about her was just a shocking idea. It might be wrong so I don't want to say what it was, but at least one of the men had full, thick, dark brown hair. I don't think it's necessarily a secret from the guy she's with. He might already know, but people in general don't know. I got the impression of 2 at a time and I think both with brown hair but one for sure had dark brown hair, average-tall and professional. All professional people. The one she's actually with has lighter hair. It's not brown to dark brown. But that's all I'm going to say about that bc I don't want to be in trouble with it! I am mum.


I don't think it's something for the future as much as it is something that already happened or happens but at least once, in the past. But anyway. I was just really surprised, that is it. And it doesn't matter, either. I don't know why I got it. But it's not something I would share other than to say it wasn't Hollywood. I'm sure it happens in Hollywood. But the people were not from there.

Anyway, I have no clue why I got that but I think it was to help me understand things are not always as they appear to be, and that's it.
I did something sort of dumb by going for mussels tonight when I shouldn't, but I'm saving on other things. I think things are going to turn around for some reason. For some reason, I knew I shouldn't and that it would be a bad move, but I did it anyway. I figured I'd just do more cleaning to compensate and see if I might be able to earn some money.
As for the impression about the woman...I DID ask why I should even get an impression like that, if it's true and the idea that came to my mind was that actually, since people were going to invade my privacy, I was getting some bonus material from God. I didn't ask for it and I woudn't have asked for it, but the message I got was that since there were others deliberately trying to humiliate me, I was going to see something myself, even though I didn't care to see it and this woman may be totally innocent and not part of the bad group around me.

And then what was really strange, is that after I got this impression, that I was being shown something on purpose, right after I got the idea that it was because others have invaded my privacy (through real or psychic means), I was seeing this...right after that I had someone try again to give me this impression, that in fact my privacy was still invaded.

I wouldn't say her name myself though.

However, I got one thing about her a week ago...right after invasion of my privacy, and it was that she did drugs. Lots of people do, and no big deal, but for her to have done drugs, it was a little bit shocking. At least once, but I thought it was more, like cocaine. The second thing that I got was that as prim and proper as all outward appearances would belie, there was some kind of situation with young men other than her regular guy, and that's also something I don't think anyone would ever guess.

So WHY? I have no idea and it doesn't matter bc I don't think it's necessarily about her so I wouldn't put her name out there. But I did ask why I got this just tonight, and the impression I received was that it was for me to have more of an idea abuot the reality of certain things and to cheer up one way or the other, because I am no better or worse than anyone else and if others will invade my privacy, it's going both ways, not just one way, and that others shouldn't assume I am just a guinea pig or that I am a victim of any kind in this regard.

In a way, for me, since I am not going out blabbing her name to people, it is more of a feeling of "oh! well, so this is how things are sometimes...okay..." and not to ever feel deluded about things because it's very hard to tell about people and their lives, from a distance, or even up close.

I am not therefore, being mean, as others have been with me, in trying to slander me one way or the other, without confirming whether it's true or not. I am also not mean, ever, in general. I ask for really simple things in life and that's all. I only get my claws out when my son is at stake or I am run down constantly and finally have to match up or be a door mat. I wrongly "react" sometimes and I am still learning how to react in an assertive way but not impulsive or totally mean manner. But I have a RIGHT to defend myself and my son.

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