Monday, August 30, 2010

My Son Is NOT Happy--Check on him--At Daycare & Set Up to not leave country

My son has been thrown back into a daycare I don't approve of.

He has been offered a chance to go to kindergarten early and this is what I want for him, not some daycare out in the woods where anything could happen and where I have called in the past and heard him screaming and crying hysterically.

Almost all of his bruising on his legs occured when he was in the daycare. So either he self harmed because of distress there, or kids did this to him and were not punished.

My son needs to be returned to me at once.

This entire matter over this misdemeanor charge is trumped and another attempt to subvert justice.

I asked my lawyer who is assigned to obtain some evidence which would help me and he refuses. I am once again going to have problems with any kind of representation from this area.

They want me to do a plea deal to make me guilty of something so I am barred from moving to another country.

I am not an idiot.

I have been set up and it's not the first time.

I know that my son is not happy because I sensed it this morning and now.


  1. Cameo - I stumbled across your blog accidentally. I am BEGGING you to seek help and/or stop writing this blog. Your writings sound completely manic, insane, and paranoid. You will never get your son back as long as you keep putting this out into the world. As I type this I realize that you lack the capacity to see that what I'm saying is true... that in your state of paranoia you probably think that I am part of whatever group is conspiring against you. I assure you that I am not. I'm just a stranger, encouraging you to seek help for yourself. PLEASE. Reading your blog is heartbreaking. It is like watching someone deteriorate in front of my eyes.

  2. There is nothing wrong with me. All I have to do, is MOVE out of this shithole of a state, and those who don't have something to lose see this very fast.

    Not only that, I have a REASON to be so-called "paranoid" because there is very serious and very deep criminal activity in this state and it has affected me and my son. Period. There is irrational paranoia which has no basis in reality and then there is paranoia that is reasonable given circumstances and facts.

    I will tell you this--the minute the Prosecuting Attorney for my case got notice of what I sent to federal court, he called up in a panic, and he's either a very good actor, or he was seriously afraid of what this City and County (his clients) could be sued for.

    I showed up to this last hearing, to discover my own public defender had not even notified me that the Judge had me on a Failure to Appear. ?!

    I am not sure if there was actually a Warrant out for my arrest over it or not, but this is the same lawyer that didn't talk to me for a whole month, and then just once, and then told me he and the Prosecuting Attorney arranged to agree to set back our appearance. If this had been DONE, as I was told it was, there would not have been grounds for "failure to appear."

    I am not deterioting mentally. I am deteriorating in the sense that everything I owned has been STOLEN from me by people here and corrupt people with the military have used me and my son, literally, under the guise of gang activity and then tried to cover it up.

    The U.S. or State of Washington, legit or not, was supposedly working out a "deal" for me and my son if I married Alvaro and if I didn't marry him, then that was over.

    The only time I was cut any slack at all in this state, was if I was with him (my Ex).

    There are military and double agents (I worked and became acquainted with many types in D.C. and Arlington, VA) in D.C. who are literally afraid to expose what they know, because it is that big and that bad.

    What I see, is absolute fear.

    These other countries, some of the people, their intel, know what is happening. It is something that someone could be in huge trouble over exposing too, as much trouble as Bradley, who went to wikileaks.

    So don't tell me I'm paranoid. I know what's going on.
