Monday, August 30, 2010


"Ready to Fly" by Pan-Chieh Hsu, shown at Roswell Museum and Art Center, in Roswell, New Mexico.

I like this. I thought it was a photo but it's a painting.

I turned the page here and met a pilot to my left and then looked at the title of this work after we'd talked and here it was. "Ready to Fly"

I didn't randomly choose magazines this morning. I picked out Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, and Ms.
Went to news and saw something about baby coming to life so read the article then from The Daily Mail, about the mother who brought her premature baby back to life. Made me cry. What is a little coincidental was that yesterday when she gave her program I had been thinking about how if one of the kittens wasn't thriving, would I try to give it some milk but how? and then I think I had a brief impression of someone doing this with their finger but I was on the kitty train of thought, but also thought about the verse I came across yesterday about Lazarus and Jesus asking if he believed in the resurrection of the dead.

Oh, I don't know if I mentioned. 4 kittens were born yesterday and I was there when they were delivered. I found one mewing and then tried to help the mother but then for some reason she didn't want to care for them then so they're with a nursing mother but the mom cat just loves me now. I guess she thinks I really helped her.

I tried to keep the other cats away when she was delivering and stayed up until 1:30 just for this and then got up at 6 a.m. to see how they were doing. I told someone, "She either loves me now because she thinks I really helped, or she just liked the bolonga."

(I gave her a couple of pieces of bolonga after she'd had the kittens)

I have also been giving some of the cats hard boiled eggs for breakfast.

I like hard boiled eggs myself but have given some to the cats.

As I sat on the lopsy couch sitting on the porch the night I saw the Egyptian art thing, all the cats came out and I stared at this and said to myself: "I am Queen of the Cats". There were about a dozen of them at my feet.

Then, this mother cat had her kittens behind the couch where I also discovered a broom.

Am I an idiot? I will tell you how somewhat-savvy I am now. I knew NOT to drag that broom out from behind the couch because someone was going to make a witch crack.

I mean, suuuurrree. I go out there at 11 o'clock at night with an almost full moon, and the cat has kittens and next thing the whole public with their telescopes, nightscopes, and binoculars sees, is ME, dragging out a broom from behind the couch. Sure enough. I go to church later that night not even having gone back to the house first and in the nursery all this halloween and witch stuff. Well, a stuffed witch and when I looked at it for a minute I saw someone laugh or try not to. Then I got back to the house and I'm sitting there and the broom is upright against the pillar. I sat there on the couch last night, with all the cats around, and the broom to the right and just started laughing and laughing. Then, as two of the cats scampered up the tree it made me think of a couple of guys from church.

Anyway, someone had left it there I guess but I hadn't known it was there until the cat had kittens.
I read Psalm 84: 9-11 about better is one day as a doorkeeper in the courts of the Lord than in the best tents of the wicked.

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