Saturday, August 28, 2010

russian baptist: resurrection

last time i was there, i got 'you're not alone' and then got that through another place
then, well, that was time before last, and then this time i had someone bring up jesus is risen from the dead. i just picked up only one book at random, in the bookstore and guess what the passage was? lazarus. jesus asking if they believed his words, that it was possible to be risen from the dead. sort of interesting.

i am still reading this book by the missionary but need to run an errand.

oh, but when i was there at the church and i didn't know it was a missionary at all and i was praying in this back room, i had no idea what the theme was and i was sending thoughts to my son that he was my first priority in all things. that god i had to follow first but that after god, there was no one else, and he was #1.

and then i prayed this preacher would have words he didn't even maybe expect and that god would help him to say whatever it was he needed to say.

then i found out it was the story of persecution for what he believed and about separation from his family through this.

my prayer is that somehow i will be able to distinguish between natural psychic and also miraculous and that god's miracles will be evident and won't even be able to be claimed by psychic means. that's sort of difficult actually, the more i learn and know, but i do believe god is real and present and hope some really cool things will happen to honor him.

also, it was probably just psychic coincidence, but they talked about a jar of oil, someone did. one talked about 10 virgins with their lamps of oil and the other talked about a cup, and i had been cooking that day and poured all the melted margarine into a single cup and then used this as a kind of vegetable oil for all my cooking. so this came to mind later but i guess this man from out of state had included something about oil in his passage and then it was explained later to me and i thought about my cooking all day.

the part i liked was hearing how my prayers were on target with what this missionary was there for, and talking about, when i had no idea and didn't know any russian.

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