Saturday, August 28, 2010

Check On My Son Now & NY and other plates yesterday

I have had some shady people come out of the woodwork lately and imply harm to my son so I would like to have someone go over to the Avila's and see how my son is doing.

For the first part of being at this other cafe, there were no problems with my laptop, but then, it started up at around 3 or so.

Why the delay? why no problems until later? I don't know.

But the fact that this is going on, concerns me with regard to my son. I also tried calling and have tried calling the Avila's several times and just a perpetually busy signal. I have cause to be concerned.

I unplugged my laptop and the cord was superhot...far more than normal. Not even when I have these computer overheating issues, does it usually affect the cord like that, but it did, and I unplugged and left and then it hasn't started up again for a little bit.
Yesterday was a very strange day, with my being harassed by people with NY plates. Why they know me or have an interest in me I don't know. I got the plates and called it in, along with an incident which occured in Waterville.

It was no big surprise I was goig to Waterville yesterday, as it was the last day to file my Notice of Appeal. What surprised me was how much people there wanted to set things up (not all but some) to harass me.

A man who was adopting 2 Chinese girls just-so happened to be there and show up when I was making my way to the courthouse, walking there. They literally had this guy there to harass me and try to rub in an adoption, in my face while I was there. What was even weirder, was that then the man engaged in a conversation with a clerk about the costs of adoption. I think everything around here revolves around money. Even kids.

They were really horrible there. The clerks were rude and then tried to threaten ME to where I was asking a janitor to be present with me when I went back to sign stuff. Then, it was really great to go there and have the same clerk who harassed me give a little wink to the janitor.

It got even more bizarre as they had items from my bag there. On the counter.

Of particular interest, a blue pen which had some history and they didn't have there for no reason.

I hope all of these people lose their jobs and are investigated. The other clerk, who is always obnoxious, "Bryson", said in the snottiest tone, that he had "TWO Cds for you, TWO".

I was told to use a computer while in Waterville, that belonged to (I was told), a "Caryn Davis" who then brought up some really weird thing about Australian Mindhub, but this was after I had the overheating problem on the desktop that they specifically asked me to use.

I had it and finally called to have an officer come out to see for himself, after I filed the notice, and he refused. Officer "Townsend" and at least that's what was on his badge. He told me he wasn't "allowed" to do that and tried to bring up psych stuff but this fucker knew and it was very clear that he knew after he got into his car and his whole demeanor changed. I saw him and I saw that he knew. He had put on an act with me but it dropped when he got into his car.

Then I was sitting outside waiting to take a bus home and this was after I called for the officer and what do you know? When I called to have someone check things out, then a few people were leaving town and one SUV with people drove by very slowly, harassing me, and this was incredible to me in the sense that they had NY plates. Why the hell does anyone, a dark haired woman, for example, from New York, care about ME, enough to harass me? I didn't know who the hell she was, and she was not just there for "the fair". Her husband or driver, made a point of going by very slowly, so this woman could almost hang out of the window to harass me. It was so nuts.

THEN, some other guy goes by in something like a beat up corvette or muscle car from the 80s and with different states' plates and was equally obnoxious. Not as bad as the NY woman though. She takes the cake. If I can find the plate number, I'll put it down. It was this weird little row of NY and then some other state and then a few WA plates, and then Oregon, and just going by abnormally slow. The NY plates were 617 ACH. The woman was at least in her 30s.

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