Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hannah From Tastebuds Cafe & Seattle

I am finding it necessary to further comment on this woman/waitress from Tastebuds. If this many people are following in her footsteps to harass me, and take leads from her and my discussion or complaint about her, then it is very clear that she, while being of neglible importance, is connected to some who are of importance.

She is either connected, I would say, to one of the mafias in Washington, or she is connected throguh a church, or to some persons in the Seattle area who are of great importance to the political climate--probably in some kind of government office.

She told me she moved to Wenatchee from Seattle. She has some kind of relative in the area, but other Seattle contacts. She said she was "adopted" which may or may not be true. I believe she said she was Italian but I also believe she said Jewish at some point. So I would assume her religious affiliation is either Catholic or Jewish. I think she also mentioned some German possibly or French, but that wasn't as big of a deal.

The reason why I have concerns is because when I first made a comment about how she harassed me in the cafe, which was awhile ago, it was after my Ex and I had separated. She never dared to do such a thing while we were together.

Then, she somehow got the idea into her head, that while I only went to this cafe to go online and blog or do research, and to eat there on a regular basis, that, I guess, I was some kind of a threat to her security with her boyfriend. Either that, or this was right after I had made a post she didn't like, which was, I believe, about psosibly Judge Warren or someone.

Her boyfriend was gained while she lived in Seattle. He was always fairly quiet about his background. In fact, I never talked to him. Ever. I kept to myself and did my own thing and I didn't care if he was pouring my water or she was or anyone else there.

I have made plenty of comments about different people in the past. However, not all of them rise to the level of the entire town (or a large number) acting out on behalf of this woman in particular. So it begs the questions as to who she is directly and indirectly connected to.

My belief is that someone she knows is working for a government office in Seattle.

However, when she flipped out over me one day, shortly around the time I was "visited" by several men from the Department of State in Washington, asking me questinos about my Colombian Ex, one from Colombia, she really flipped out.

Tangent: At the time, I had wondered WHY I had men from the Department of State visiting me. I thought it had something to do with some interest in my Ex or possibly in getting me involved with some other guy who had a connection to Colombia (as one did). Now, I realize that one of the major possible factors was that actually, NOW I know, the Department of State was involved in colluding with Canadian officials to take my son away. Because it involved international matters, the Department of State was involved.

So why suddenly show up after I broke up with my Ex? Like I said, at the time, I really thought it was all about some kind of snoopiness over my break-up or possibly someone wanting to get me involved in Department of State matters. I also figured out, after discovering the Dept. of State was involved, that this might explain why I got SO many harassing pop ups and ads from all the search engines or music channels and just in general. It was right around the time Bill Clinton went to the hospital for a heart attack, and I read all the news about it and then every single thing that came up was about Clinton and "jeer on". I had so many "So you think it's funny" and "Jeer on" ?! ads with connection to Bill Clinton, I thought what the HELL. Then I thought, why would I care about Bill Clinton at all? I have done some thinking and is it because of Hillary and her role at Top Commando of the Department of State? So what is the deal exactly? Is this part of what I'm up against? If so, no wonder money was poured into this, if it is involving people from the Department of State, and the Seattle FBI and CIA offices there, and also all these state workers. No wonder some groups, who were also international and some diplomats even, knew about the situation for me in Washington state and said I was screwed. I have people here who have stolen every single thing I own. Screwed me out of any kind of legal defense. Set me up for crimes I didn't commit, to keep me from getting work and to take my child. Then I had people coming into this town to make sure I was destroyed one way or the other and to keep tabs on me until they got whatever they thought was so humiliating and so hiliarously funny, they believed I was down for good and for forever, and that not only would I not get my son back, I would never have work here and whatever man was interested in me before would want nothing to do with me then. I had people probably paying eachother off left and right to acheive these desired effects. And then, it's still not enough. It's still not enough, not even after permitting and engaging in abuse and torture of both me and my son and intimidating others. I had people coming in from other countries even, to convince the locals to act like total assholes and imbeciles. I have people on both the East Coast and in Washington doing everything in their power to keep me from getting unemployment too. And then an undercover guy telling me from the very start that I would never see my unemployment. He said this before I ever even filed. Why wouldn't I? Why should I NOT get my unemployment money unless it's not something that some group wants me to file for because they don't want to have to admit to the proper documents for what kind of agency I was really working under?

So here I am, and this waitress from Seattle, whose boyfriend is from Seattle, who both moved over here about the time I was supposed to come back from the East Coast, work at this cafe and she freaks out for no reason one day. Whether it was because of a local matter, in this town, or Seattle or what, I don't know.

I was using wi-fi for 15 minutes at the bar there, and she told me to either leave right then and there, and she freaked out, in front of her "friends" and said "IF you don't leave right now I'll call the police!"

How that sounds familar now. Is there any reason why SHE would be the ringleader and instigator, somehow, of a directive later, to incite others to do the EXACT SAME thing? I offend people all the time.

So who is SHE? or better yet, who is she connected to? that tries to incite others to follow her example?

She did not just scream at me that one time. Luckily, there was another worker there who witnessed what happened and it didn't go any further than that. But clearly, she is connected to some Big Daddy who wants to make things right for HER and to avenge HER so his princess feels satisfied.

The question is, who is the Big Daddeo?

This waitress did not just harass me without cause. She then drove around, smug as could be, after the next person pulled this "...IF you don't lieave RIGHT NOW, I'll CALL THE POLICE!" prank and try to cause very serious problems for me.

She was smug and happy to see me out of housing. Smug and happy to have others follow her sad and sorry example too.

So let's now go over who followed her example, because if we are talking about 6 degrees of separation, someone needs to track down her family line and all of her connections, here and in Seattle, because it will not add up to nothing.

If she had simply harassed me one time, no big deal. I would feel shocke, but no big deal. And in fact, I never wrote about her again after that.

But she didn't just harass me. She harassed me and then she set out to rub it in my face and feel sadistic about anything bad that happened to me when SHE was the one who acted in a bizarre manner to begin with.

My feel? her boyfriend is somehow connected to Seattle FBI. Or they know someone who is. My other feel for things is that she is connected to some kind of big shot who is in some kind of mafia. And for some reason, she is one of the darlings.

What happened after I lost everything? she was very smug about things. And then the next thing to happen is that at least 3 or 4 more women, who are most likely connected to her in some way, decided to do her a favor and harass me in the exact same way, saying, out of the blue, for no reason, and just to cause me distress or to create problems: "IF you don't leave right NOW, I'M calling the POLICE!"

Let's see. Erin MConey was one. Erin McConey works for the Department of Social and Health Services. Susan, with the Skillsource Center, was another. How could these 2 women, just Erin and Susan, maybe be connected? Church? or something or someone else?

Then there was the woman who tried to interfere with my ability to make a complaint to the federal courts, to preserve my rights--Courtney. Courtney, the manager of the library who cut off my computer right in the middle of my attempt to make a motion for federal injunction to protect the rights to my son. Why would Courtney do this and why would she have been the main person who was also trying to prevent me from even having library privileges at all?
I have all these people who have quit the shit since I started making the post. Oh, I wonder why. And then people driving by waving and saying, "Goodbye" like it's all over because I brought this woman up.

You know what? SHE brought herself and those that she is associated with, into this, by her own behavior, not mine.

First, when I started posting, some people stared at me with frickin' DAGGERS. Then, a lot of "Goodbyes" and waving. And, everyone cut out the stupid shit and harassment I've been going through every single day too. That's nice. Thank you.

Now, I think the least we can do is to find out all about her connections.

Because I, for one, would really like to know.

Her name is Hannah and I don't remember her last name right now but she works at a cafe/restaurant called "Tastebuds" in Wenatchee, Washington. Her boyfriend also works there. One guy I have always really liked from there but just liked him on a respect level from my impressions, even if they're vague. Not always great, but in general. I feel that if he had not been there when he was, I could have had a major problem there.

After what she did, I just cried and cried. She publicly humiliated me in front of all these people, and then even that wasn't enough.

I am humiliated a lot, but not with the full-on threat of getting police involved, improperly.

Which leads me to wonder about who she knows with the police around here too. She did not just have one tempermental outburst. I later found her following me about smugly, when I was even further down.

I see "smug" a lot. But I do not get a whole combo of threats of intimidation using police, and then smug, and then also I write one poem about her and the whole town is acting out what I wrote, for days. After I wrote my poem about her 2 edged face, cutting with every turn, half of the town decided to drive by on a regular basis, wherever i was outside, and do this little repeated jerk of the head back and forth and you know, at first it's not noticeable. And then, it's noticeable but so what. But when someone has told every single person to do this, row after row, after several days of this, combined with oral sex gestures for whatever reason, it's just intolerable.

If I were making money in some way which would level out this kind of thing and make it "worth it" or make sense as to why I am hounded, then it would go with the territory. But I am not making money to off-set this kind of harassment. So when I'm not being compensated for anything, and only harassed, and when my son is involved in this too, I think it makes perfect sense when I start to wonder who is behind some of this.

I'm harassed all the time and don't wonder about connections. But when she's gone out of her way and then 3 other women and Tony Block too, have decided to take up her slack or lead, there is something really wrong.

Hannah (from tastebuds)
Tony Block (CPS)
Susan (from Skillsource)
Michelle Erickson (CPS)
Erin McConey (CSO)
Courtney (librarian manager)

These are individuals who all threatened use of police against me, and improper use of the legal system, and tried to intimidate me when I was doing nothing wrong. This is not a conclusive list either, because another group was connected to the YMCA. A "Jill" and another woman there, but I would have to figure out if they threatened police against me first or if it was Hannah and then everything followed after her. I would question what law firms she has business with as well, and who she knows from different law firms in Seattle.

How are they connected?

Go to Hannah first, and I would follow her Seattle trail, her boyfriend, and find out who she is linked to locally as well. I would also find out whether she has lived or visited other states and which ones.


  1. has it ever occured to you that the "connection" with all these people who are fed up with you is......YOU? That perhaps your behavior is harassing and intimidating to people? That is what I would gather by what you blog, worth you putting some thought into.

  2. A unified hatred and/or jealousy of me?

    Yes, I would agree with that, however, it only began with a few very interested parties who then did their best and used a lot of money to harass me, spread lies and misinformation about me, take my son illegally, falsely jail me, destroy evidence, and use corrupt and crooked persons to further their own interests and agendas and to take every single thing I owned from me.

    Do you really believe, for one moment, that this has happened because I am just one person who has an opinion like everyone else who has a BLOG? or who writes for a paper or magazine or says things publicly?

    It doesn't get like this, without my having been some kind of very significant threat to someone or some groups. Maybe they had different reasons to dislike, hate, or target me. Some of them were jealous of me until they made sure I lost everything.

    And yet, I am STILL harassed but that's not enough. It's not enough, evidentally, bc then people like you, want to then lay a finger of blame to ME when, I am sorry, but in a crowd of 10,000, I am one person.

    Is it because I have a big mouth? so loud that the whole world hears and is interested in JUST me? or could it be that there was something very good in store for me, that others were going to beat heaven and hell over to make sure it never happened, and that I was never believed.

    I think with great love comes great or greater hate.

    Someone loved me more than they loved someone else, or paid more attention to me in some way, and it pissed others off.

    It's not my fault if I call a spade a spade.
