Monday, August 23, 2010

Russian Church--I sang in Russian

I said I'd write less about church so I will. I went to the church last night and in some ways, one of my questions to God was answered (just psychic phenomena questions which I have that are more new). Lately, I'm getting a lot of confirmation from somewhere for random small inquiries.

Then on a side note, I sang in Russian, which seemed to surprise some people. There weren't a lot of people there so I guess I was overheard but I didn't sing loudly. The first couple of times I went I didn't try to sing along. I knew I could, but I was too shy, or felt shy. Then, last night I thought, why not try? so I did, and then the women I sat next to kept asking me if I was Russian and how did I know how to sing in Russian if I wasn't? One kept asking "Do you know Rusian?" and no, I didn't and at the end she said it was really amazing because I sang the lyrics in Russian and I was able to follow with the melody at the same time.

I missed a little bit, but I was sort of surprised at myself too, however, I can do this, in general...and have practiced since I was a kid. Not, singing in other languages, but trying to follow along.

The speech is hard but almost everything is okay for me, if it's to music.

And then! there was this one point, where I somehow knew the melody before it was sung and almost was ahead of it and I almost got this catch in my throat for some reason. I always want to know the song and where it comes from, especially if it hits me in some way. There were just a couple of times I almost knew ahead of myself, but for the most part, I did my natural following along by attuning my mind and ear to what is sung. It felt pretty easy though, for the most part. The one time I hesitated was when, interestingly, no one else knew the song either. And I stopped trying to sing it just as they did.

Then, on the way there and back, I kept having little celtic or scottish ditties go through my mind.

But I enjoyed trying to sing in Russian. It was fun. I heard more of the sermon too and will just keep it to myself. There was a translator so I followed and at one point I looked at the Russian bible, and said, "Is this "yohanna? john?" and I can't remember now how I said it but at the time the woman thought I had correctly read and pronounced the word but it was a guess.

More recently I tried looking at some Russian characters and they were easy to follow. Easier. Not easy. When I was little, and trying to learn on my own, in high school or something, it was very hard to me but I never heard audio either.

I joked with the one young woman who said it sounded like I knew Russian, "Well, I tried to follow along, but I bet you heard some words you've never heard before!" and she laughed a little.

At the end I listened to the speaker and tried to, in my mind, follow along and see if I could, given the chance, do the same with his speech as I did with song and after a few minutes, I thought I could. I couldn't come up with it on my own out of the blue, but if he was talking, I could maybe anticipate what he might say next.
The only thing that I struggled with, was this energy of something very conflicting and a struggle,, halfway through or to the end. It was alternating good and then sad or deep vibes and it made me worry about my son, or other people out in the world, or wonder if something was happening. It was very intense and then last night, all night, I didn't sleep well until this morning something broke.

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