Sunday, August 22, 2010

small headache & psychic art readings

I just literally saw something I've not seen before, and it wasn't an image but a blogger feature or effect. I went to my page and there were 2 silver rings next to eachother, sort of overlapping and then they disappeared. But it was some technical thing, not imagination, image, impression, nothing.

For the first time in a long time, the computer overheating is happening and I guess this is because I dared wonder what was going on last night?

I slept in for the first time in a long time, due to headache and stress. It was nice to do so but then a few mindgames, regarding worker bee vs queen bee shit, but won't go into it. I know there are others behind it, just trying to stir up trouble.

The first thing I wanted to do was go to the art section and find other works of art and see if it is possible to do psychic readings from looking at art and having no background information. I don't know that this would be psychic as much as intuitive though. But I am going to work on this because it's also something I could kind of check later for already published confirmations.

I was thinking this morning, I don't know who took it and I don't want to be responsible for bringing wrong or right info in, but someone UK maybe, came to mind, even though I can see so many others going for it.

I also thought about that big poster I'd been staring at a week ago: "Own your own masterpiece". I guess some group took this idea literally!

I looked at it again this morning and still love it. The whole of the bottom, with the loose flowers to the left, middle, and right, the entire arrangement there is what makes me think of haiku, or a small set of them. If they were not flowers, they could be little japanese characters. I'd like to study this painting more.

I got a few books on art to look at while here at the bookstore. One is simple: "the world's greatest art" by flame tree publishing and thought I might try one random find--and ended up on sir Joshua Reynolds "George Townshend", a soldier of some kind holding gloves in one hand and a sword in the other. pg. 171.

I can barely see the detail because it's such a small photo of the painting, but it has some interesting minor detail...something on the tree trunk, a plant at foot to the left bottom corner and at fist glance, just water and then some castle or fort, but then looking more carefully, a man on a horse with the sword in the air, a sort of active counterpoint to the passive stance here, of the man featured. It's too small to see very well. A dark horse.

The most prominent features, I think, are shading (light) and color. There is a lot of contrast to this one, I think and maybe as I describe it, more ideas or possible psychic stuff will come to mind. Somehow, he manages to make the boots look like the softest leather and convey the feel of the fabrics and materials. The man looks like he simply standing but I want to say, ready to spring into action at any given moment. He has a restless feel about him.

I have to go because of lack of time right now. But at some point, will finish looking at this one and think about it. Sort of fun and this is a good little book bc it doesn't give away too much information which might influence my opinion or what I write. In other words, I can look up details about what has been said in the past, at a later date after writing my own ideas down.

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