Monday, August 9, 2010

Truly Amazing Lucky Weird--Bird

This is to all the lucky weird wacky.

I say no more but I have to say God must be in something somewhere. I went to the bookstore, and here is seriously weird at work...

A book, a Readers Digest book about birds was on the table. Just one.

I was going to get cards but decided to pray instead and hope that I am led to randomly choose cool books. So I went around the store, not looking and chooosing books at random from different sections. The only one I rejected was in the crime section and I decided no, I do not want to choose books from crime section today.

So the strangest thing of all, was the last book I grabbed. I had no clue what I had in my hand.

It was a bird book.

I came to the table already started with a bird book and the last one I chose was a bird book.

Very weird.

I just thought I would do my random selection and then include random clips from different books. I really didn't preview any of it. It was 100% pure random work.
Oh, and some cool things happened before that too. And the timing of it was fun as well. A lot of things happened since I last made a post.

My sense of humor made a revival in the last hour too. I started quipping with people again. Sans solution, er, tonic.

I mean, I can't say it's all the best for me and I want what's BESt for me and my son, but still, I can say, it's interesting and marvelous in the sense of the capacity of humanity and God too. Because really, I stood there, when I pulled out that last book, shocked. I didn't even think I was in the animal and bird section. I thought I was in a section ahead of that one.

My prayer before I grabbed books was just "God, help me to be drawn to books that in some way might be a cool thing for either me or others." It was a short simple prayer.
So the book on the table was "Where The Birds Are" Reader's Digest. Then the last book I chose was "To See Every Bird On Earth" by Dan Koeppel. The subtitle on the first one is "A travel guide to over 1,000 parks, preserves, and sanctuaries" and the subtitle on the second one, that I chose is, "A father, a son, and lifelong obsession". (are they talking about real birds or 'birds' like women, metaphorically? ooooo-ooo-oooh! maybe this is a morsel in code about all of their worldwide affairs!)

So anyway, I grabbed a bunch of books, some from the middle, others from the bottom and some from the top, not looking and got an assortment and I mixed them up not thinking and will just go through them each, taking a short clip. for fun of course.
To See Every Bird On Earth:
pg. 149. "there's an irony to listing: the more birds you count, the more you leave the world of flesh and feather and enter a universe of abstractions, of human-imposed taxonomic decisions that can change your tally, even if you're just sitting at home."

Where The Birds Are:
pg. 43. "Not to be missed. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge."

Love In The Time Of Dragons (She's Scaling Back Her Expectations), by Katie MacAlister.
pg. 223. "I have a name," I protested.

Keeping Faith (a novel) by Jodi Picoult.
pg. 143. "He reaches for my hand, but I pull it away and tuck it between my knees. "You were willing to try again,, Colin. Just not with me."
"No, not with you." He looks away, embarrassed. "That's not important right now."
"It's not? God, what could be more important?"
"Faith. It's not about you this time. You always twist it so it's your problem, your issue."

Climbing Higher by Montel Williams.
pg. 112. "They've come up with a goose egg."

The Mission Song by John LaCarre.
pg. 141. "Total and utter bullshit. You're the star of the show, remember? Chaps who are in the business of changing the world don't expect to do their own interpreting. And I wouldn't trust Tabizi to tell me the time of day in any fucking language."

Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Remedies to the rescue by louisa Maccan-Graves.
pg 169. "WEN Fig Cleansing Conditioner".

Now And Forever-Let's Make Love by Elizabeth Lloyd.
OH NO! It's a BOOK OF STORIES! (i didn't even think i was in that section bc I was by new age), with editing...I landed on pg. 117.
"P and B _____almost simultaneously, their _________lasting an unusually long time. Finally, P collapsed on B's _______. P_______, they were silent for quite a while. Finally P raised her head and looked into B's eyes. "I hope that was as good for you as it was for me." "Oh babe, B said, "It was not to be believed." P grinned and picked up her scissors. "let me cut you loose."

The Seven Faith Tribes: Who They Are, What They Believe, and Why They Matter, by George Barna.
pg. 139. "No leader has ever single-handedly changed the world."

Dear Mom: A Sniper's Vietnam by Joseph T. Ward.
pg.230. "Who got it, Gunny? is he dead?"
"Beal, and no, he's alive, but he doesn't have a left kneecap now. A VC pulled an AK-47 out of he water in a paddy and shot him. A young bitch, and she singled him out of a whole company."

One Minute Wellness by Dr. Ben Lerner.
pg. 99. "The Facts."

Throwing Fire: projectile technology through history by Alfred Crosby.
pg. 120. "On the other side of the world and to the west of the gunpoweder empires of the sultans and czars, the political situation when gunpowder weaponry arrived was similar to that in Japan when the Portuguese showed up with harquebuses."

FLIGHT: The Complete History by R.G. Grant.
pg. 300. Bell AH-1 Cobra.

Fasting by Jentezen Franklin.
(from the unblushables)
pg. 179. Today, the words of the weeping prophet Jeremiah cause a lump in my throat as I read them aloud."

What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines by Paul A. Offit and Bell.
pg. 83. "Rebecca is 1 year old."

This I Believe by Studs Terkel.
pg. 89. "Some people might think if I could snap my fingers I'd choose to be "normal". But I wouldn't want to give up my ability to see in beautiful, precise pictures. I believe in them."

Runny Babbit: A Billy Book by Shel Silverstein.
pg.56. He Thought It Meant "Dit Sown"

( far, the whole picture is not seeming so inspired or running together cool like it has in the past. Oh well! still some funny titles.)

Jeff Corwin: Your Backyard is WILD! from Junior Explorer Series.
pg. 76. "Hey, where's Lucy?" he asked all of a sudden.

You Can't Say That To Me! by Suzette Elgin.
pg. 81. Recognizing that you are an expert in your language.

Screenwriting for Dummies.
pg. 39. Imagination. Your Creative Arsenal

When Everything Changes, Change Everything by Neale Walsch.
pg.271. "Do not recriminate against yourself. Do not make yourself wrong or chasticse or castigate yourself for any life outcomes that you have generated, consciously or unconsciuosly, that you would call negative. Rather, have compassion with yourself if you do not understand the larger reason for these outcomes, thengive praise to yourself for your ability to meet them head on, then congratulate the magnificent part of yourself that finds a way to move through them, and finally, celebrate that aspect of yourself that sees, in the final analysis, the benefit that has come to you as a result of them."

The Complete Candlemaker
by Norma Coney.
pg. 74. Choosing a Wicking Method. There are several ways to arrange the wick for dipped tapers.

Julie & Julia by Julie Powell.
pg. 206. "The crepe stuck to the skillet like it had been superglued."

The Silver Palate Cookbook by Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins.
pg.221. "Scallions, leeks, garlic, shallots, and onions. These lusty members of the lily family were frowned upon by polite society for centuries."

100 Years of Fashion Illustration by Cally Blackman.
pg. 125. "Marcel Vertes, Reboux bonnet, Harper's Bazaar, June 1938. Private Collection.

Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon.
pg. 227. "I feel kind of stupid , Doc. I should never have brought Puck's name up."

Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure The World, by Tracy Kidder.
pg. 196. "Farmer was looking in Cuba, first of all, for money to stockpile antiretroviral drgus, enough to treat 25 patients with full-blown AIDS back in Cnage--25 patients for starters."

Alan Greenspan (books on tape) : The Age Of Turbulence.
"I have not been inhibited in reaching for some fairly sweeping hypotheses."
That's all!

Very all-over-the-place.

Oh well, still fun.

Some of the selections made me laugh.

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