Monday, August 16, 2010

The Veil Vision (? acck) and updated

This is so strange. I just found out that on the Sunday I had the image of a veil, a man was talking about his bride-to-be and getting married. I had no idea and no way of knowing. Nothing was said in English. I don't know any Russian words for fiancee or fiance or wedding or bride or anything.

This is strange because I did pray to "absorb" something from the service, but I also did feel that the veil impression was for me as well. What is bizarre is that it occured at the last song, which was after this young man talked about his wife to be.

So, I almost don't believe it. Like, I need to know for myself somehow. But it makes sense, because this young man was very excited and enthusiastic, however, I had thought he was full of joy because of work at an orphanage or something. They showed slides of a woman holding a child and I thought it was featuring a missionary in Russia who worked with children perhaps.

So what just happened, to clarify for me, was that I went to McDonalds and ended up sitting next to Vladie-Laddie. You know, the Vladimir I first had to mind right before I ran into him at McDs. I had thought Vladie-laddie had to do with Vladimir Putin or something and here the next person I am standing in front of, is "Vladie-laddie" and his name tag said simply: Vladimir.

So anyway, this was very interesting.

I sat next to the same guy just now and he said he went to that church. I didn't really remember him being there but I said this dark haired man there looked like him, the guest-speaker, and he said yes, this was his brother. I also asked how old he was and didn't remember asking. I had been about to say 19 and then just asked and he said he was turning 20. Then, I asked him if he had brothers and sisters and he said yes and I asked if he was in the middle and he said yes, he was. 2 older and 2 younger. Can't confirm at this point, but why lie about that?

I actually think that this guy and I would probably be able to read eachother's minds slightly. Some people I figure out it's slightly more possible with. I've done this with certain Americans too.

So anyway, he said yes, the man who was getting married was his brother. I said, "What? he's getting married?" and Vladdie said yes and then he said that's what his brother was talking about. I said, "Are you sERIOUS?" and sat there shocked. Then I said, "I had this picture of a veil but maybe not everything is about me!" So on one count, I think it's very strange I had a snapshot of this veil but on the other hand, why can't it be about someone else and me too? I mean, I did feel it was for me in some way, just not right now. It was all tulle with a lace edge, but the middle wasn't lace at all.

There were no slides of anything about a wedding. I had thought all the talk was over mission work and this Vladdie said it was about mission work and his brother was a missionary but he was also getting ready to marry her.

So I thought this was incredible.

Also, I would wonder why I got the mark on my side as well. I picked up on that, as if it literally happened. I could feel it almost but not literally. It was like an impression but I knew it didn't happen except for somehow in the mind. I don't trust that part though. I trust that I really got something but I don't trust that it was from a trustworthy sender maybe. But there was perhaps, a number attached to the mark. Hahah, it wasn't "6" either. And it wasn't a bad symbol either, as in the reverse of a wedding or anything. I got it distinctly. If I ever find out the person who sent me the impression of the motion on my side is someone I don't like or a sicko, I will be PISSED! It was a number in the sense of a certain number of finger(s) and only in a straight line down my side.

And yes! I can say this, because I just found out I really got something from a different language possibly when I had no idea at all. There is no possible way I could have known.

The problem, a lot of times, is that I only get extremely limited info and I don't usually know what it's about at all. I know if it's for me sometimes and other times I know it's for someone else.
I just got a little scared because this man came in, nice man, and maybe Italian I think and said he was looking at computers and I showed him what I was doing and how I would do a search for things and I think I maybe got something that crossed his mind. I got something about "rats" but I don't know in what context at all. So I typed into a search..."searching hats" and he stood up and stared at me and said see you tomorrow. I sort of worried and hoped it wasn't like "okay, you get another day". Like that Madonna song, "Die Another Day", so although he seemed very nice, I have to say, I don't want anyone to freak out about me, because i know much less or understand less than some may think. I wonder...I wonder how many people I am able to read at all. I don't think I do in general at all.

I would only caution not to involve my son.

I feel this way: someone who may be very good, if they are bad to my son they are badlisted. Someone who is "bad" in every way, in a traditional sense, but good to my son, they are goodlisted. I care about how people treat him and whatever else is going on, is their business. I don't care about myself much either, except for not being totally screwed over in every imaginable way. I would just like to have my son and that's it.

I wuuunder...I asked Vladdie what the sermon was about but he didn't remember or didn't know exactly what I was asking maybe. I want to know though, to see if anything else matched up or not. I wish I knew the names of some of the songs that were sung.

I had tears at the accordian song and then the very last song.
I found the hidden Russian dictionary. I found one for Chinese there too. I like the idea of learning Chinese or my son but I think I'm a little bit old.

I always thought it would be nice to have my son know English, Spanish, and then one other rarer language like Farsi, Chinese, and maybe Russian. I figured Arabic or Chinese are more rare so maybe good for international business and extra opportunities but this is not what is happening because my son is not in my care. When he was, I had a plan. I was about to get licensing to have my own daycare and then when the State took my son, it ruined my career plans.

I cannot find this stuff. This Russian stuff for the verses I wrote down. I will have to ask the Vladdie Laddie. I'd ask a woman but he's working at the McD next door, so I'm sure he could tell me what the verses are. I cannot find any such words in the dictionary.
I have, for some reason, written in English, 6 degrees, Russia & Siberia (not random because I was referencing something else on a shirt I saw and then later wrote down town names I heard in the sermon)
Then: Ucaua 26:3,
K Elpe(backwards 'R')u or Elpeau (?) 10:22,
Ucaua 26:5-9
(around these verses, or sermon, something somewhere about harmony? brotherhood?)

--song, traditional? "cast your cares on him? for he cares for you?" (my guess with no knowledge)
--another song (sounds sad but peace? sort of) burying the dead? no?
--song corncovyn
(prayed for child to quit crying and it did quit, & prayed for my son. thought of a cross marking and queen but separate, like either a separate woman in a different church or possibly elizabeth and after the anglican service. thought maybe a different woman possible?)
(pi symbol)pu(n with an accent over it)uU (like a w but larger 2nd u) 4:23-24
something about august or augustine to mind...maybe not with sermon but otherwise
--considers a field and buys it? thought something about orchard maybe, wheat to mind as well, but with news in mind. positive. ? i don't know.
--song: moyay moyoh moo? (sun breaking forth)
--song with accordian: the people or something in a circle, marching or dancing, see formal dancing, traditional...something about brigadee gadah sense deu ymah noose? gadahyah gamaouse.
--another song: not sure...more sad
--Om (with accent over m) Ayku 13:1-5 or just v.1 and v. 5. houses? got houses. (not from verse necessarily but from the message around these verses somehow). 1, then 5, then 4
--Ucaua 28:22
Om (with accent over m)Ayku 13:7, 13:9
--does care about them (not from sermon & no other explanation necessary--teared a little)
--movement down rt. side and then pen from man in front dropped to right but on purpose and noticeably on purpose
--Om(accent over m)kpobeHue 9:16, 17, 18, 19, 18
--last song with "allelujah, but not allelujah song, just the only word I understood, aside from Hero in a song but I didn't know if it meant a real hero or what" (bridal veil...long)
(somewhere around here or verse above song, some idea of soldiers and a sniper. almost looked like men in green uniform with napkin style hats, but like nazi almost but maybe just different country and current...from imagination not neccessarily connected to any part of sermon at all--I think maybe someone somewhere was watching a movie or maybe people still wear this kind of thing somewhere in the world...i didn't think it had to do with service).

sad vibe in last 1/4 of service until second part of last song. Leading into the song, very sad and then lifting after the 3rd verse especially I think.

I was going to upload one photo to show how I tried to write the characters but it won't load. It's photo #1,000. if anyone knows what passages it's from let me know. I'm not sure and I looked it both Ukraine and Russian but I didn't do a very good job of writing the characters. I tried to compare and couldn't find anything.


  1. Do you use instant messange, it would be fun to chat sometime. You have an interesting perspective on things.

  2. Is this Vladdie Laddie? or should I call you Vladdie Baddie or Vladdie Daddy or Vliddy Liddy?

    Who is this?

    I don't instant message because of viruses. It's like not using protection.

  3. Nah, not at all. I found your blog while googling Mackenzie Cowell was just a bit bored and wanted to chat.
