Monday, August 16, 2010

My Random Readings Selection

I wasn't going to do a random reading today. I went in (checked myself into the bookstore) because I was getting frustrated (obviously). So I got the Bible out and just read and I wouldn't say this to glorify myself but I did calm down and it is a very good idea for anyone, to take a time out to just stop and reflect. So I did and I opened up to the part about David not killing Saul again but only cutting the coat. And then I ended up, randomly, on passage after passage about resurrection from the dead. Sort of uncanny how many times. I reflected and said a short prayer and then it came to mind maybe someone was counting on my doing a reading selection and to not disappoint, maybe I should. Then I thought, no, I'm not being paid and why would I? and then I thought, well, who knows. Maybe it's cool for someone out there. So I did and went around feeling pretty good. I prayed for forgiveness for any offense to God so I think that's why I felt okay.

I got these books, but they're not in order of selection:

1. Travels with Charley: in search of america by John Steinbeck
pg. 146, "Thus time and the ordinary divisions of the day are changed. To me dawn and dusk are quiet times, and here in the redwoods nearly the whole of daylight is a quiet time. Birds move in the dim light or flash like sparks through the stripes of sun, but they make little sound."

2. Watson Guptill black sketchbook (blank)

3. I Can't Believe It's Not Fattening! Over 150 Ridiculously Easy Recipes for the Super Busy by Devin Alexander.
pg. 153, Stylin' Steak Fries

4. The Last Days of the Romanovs: tragedy at ekaterinburg by Helen Rappaport
pg. 103, "Meanwhile, in London, another European monarch, Albert, the beleaguered King of the Belgians, and his wife were continuing their visit for the royal silver wedding, during which they had been garnering further support for the long-drawn sufferings of the high-souled people of Belgium, who since the German invasion in August 1914, were still living under the 'heel of the enemy'."

5. Speed Decorating by Jill Vegas
pg. 118, "A chandelier not only illuminates the meal but also hellps to establish the style of the room. Here, a red-and-green-painted fixture adds a funky counterpoint to a vintage dining table."

6. The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies by Mark Stengler
pg. 356-7, (p for passionflower), "They were intrigued by the plant's resemblance to a crown of thorns on top of a cross...Along with a name that suggested "Christ's passion," the passionflower was also referred to as the Holy Trinity flower and passion-vine."
(recommended for anxiety and stress and heart palpitations)

7. Nikon D90 for Dummies by Julie Adair King
pg.97, GPS Data mode. This display mode is available only if the image you're viewing was shot with the optional Nikon CPS (Global Positioning System) attached.

8. With The Heart Of A King: Elizabeth I of England, Philip II of Spain, and the Fight for a Nation's Soul and Crown by Rain Patterson
pg. 216, "In November 1568 Elizabeth, not at all frightened by Philip's growing might, answered the treachery perpetrated against her captains."

9. Armor Attacks: The Tank Platoon (an interactive exercise in small-unit tactics and leadership) by John Antal
pg. 184, Section 46. "Jaeger hopped out of the tank commander's station of his M1 tnk and ran oer to Riley's tank. He waved at Riley to meet him on the ground. Riley got out of A34 and walked along the side of his tank to talk to Jaeger. 'Two BRDMs may have broken through the screen line near Checkpoint Nine. They are headed in the direction of Checkpoint Five. I want you and Ramos to go get them.' 'Okay, Lieutenant," Riley said with a grin, "I monitored Young's radio transmission. I think that you are making the right decision."

10. 1 Mix, 100 Cakes: Take 1 basic recipe and make 100 kinds of cake by Love Food
pg. 61, Birthday Number Cake

11. "Aaaaaarrrgghh! Spider! by Lydia Monks
pg. ? "aaaarrggh! Spider!"

12. How 9: A Handbook for Office Workers by James Clark
pg. 243 (from ch. 7, words often confused and misused), "Practical" and "Pray"

13. How To Hot Rod Volkswagen Engines by Bill Fisher
pg. 82, "Connecting Rods"

14. Daniel X: Demons and Druids by James Patterson
pg. 136, "I opened my see that I was lying on a gravel driveway in front of a very familiar white mailbox. Set back from it a little ways was a sunlit farmhouse. There was no mistaking it. "Well, Toto," I said under my breath as I stood up, "I've got a sneaking feeling we're not in jolly old England anymore."

15. The Best Baby Name Book in the whole wide world (the #1 seller) by Bruce Lansky
(I'll choose 6) 31, "Abigail (hebrew) "father of joy" Biblical: one of the wives of King David."
pg. 86, "Bartholemew (hebrew) "son of a farmer." Biblical: one of the 12 apostles. pg, 117, "Malik (muslim) "master", pg.40 "Cinderella (french) "little one of the ashes." Literary: a name from the fairy tale, pg. 38, Caresse (french) "beloved", and pg. 48, Gabrielle (hebrew) "God is my strength" A feminine form of Gabriel.

16. All Afloat on Noah's Boat! by Guy Parker-Rees
pg. ? "The rain rattled down on the great big boat, till the water rose and made it float."

17. Divine Encouragement: Living with the Presence of Hope by Michael Collins and Barbara Wheeler.
pg. 42, 15. "Your struggle is to recognize you are seking to perceive the truth of the journey and Love's purpose in your lives and all humanity's from a place of vision which has been formed to a large degree by the world and by your own gender."

18. On The Day You Were Born by Debra Frasier
pg. ? On the day you were born the Moon pulled on the ocean below, and, wave by wave, a rising tide washed the beaches clean for your footprints...(page to left but saw pg to right first), ..."While far out at sea clouds swelled with water drops, sailed to shore on a wind, and rained you a welcome across the Earth's green lands."

19. ArtLab "Custom Motorcycle Studio"

20. Only With Your Love by Lisa Kleypas (swans on cover)
(I opened to a couple sections at the same time because I opened up and then another section fell open. The one that fell open landed on pg 143, "The young pirate looked just as he had four months ago, a scarf knotted around his head, a black patch covering hs damaged eye." and the part I opened to: pg. 126,
"Max doesn't like to see me in black," Lysette said with a sigh, returning to the brocaded settee and picking up a tiny pair of pantalets she was mending for one of her two young daughters. "All last year we were in mourning becaue of the passing of his mother irenee. And now..."

21. Life's Lessons: Poetry and Ponderments by CW TAG
Wanting you to be wrong
Trying so hard to be strong
He will be here before long
Wishing you were wrong

To heal the wounds of the past
Finally at long last
It won't be long
He will be gone
Knowing you're not wrong

Having to make things right
Move forward in the light
Life's work day and night
Now my future is bright
It won't be long

He appears to be warm
Soon there will be a swarm
Yes, a bit of alarm
Soon a rest at the farm
It won't be long

22. Inside Out (a novel) by Barry Eisler
pg. 85, "I'm still armed, Paula," he said, looking into her eyes. "And I'd hate to have to shoot you just as we're getting to know eachother. I really would feel bad about it."
She smiled and patted his hand. "I'll bet you would, sugar. I'll bet you would."

23. The Complete Beauty Bible by Paula Begoun
pg. 263, "Vitamin E for Scars? The simple answer to that question is, "probably not."

24. Unbelievably Good Deals and Great Adventures That You Absolutely Can't Get Unless You're Over 50 by Rattner Heilman.
pg. 73, "Saga Holidays, 222 Berkely St., Boston, MA." and then sections on the following:
"Solo Flights"
"Hook-ups for Solo RVers", and
"Loners of America"
from the chapter on "Singles on the Road"

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