Monday, August 16, 2010

Woman Making Oral References About My Son

The woman who went into Shaktis one day, making references and comments about oral matters and referring to my son, on the evening I reported, came into the cafe again.

She tried to leave without my getting her plates number

As I turned the corner, while she was nervously walking away looking at her cell phone, the other truck was right there, coming down the alley and that man was a prick.

Is a prick and I think he has more than just local business.

He kept saying "wow" and "amazing" and "Wow" and was just a total idiot. He acted pissed, like he was protecting this other woman who had just made the corner and was trying to disappear.

I went back to the cafe after running into the asshole and found the person she was talking to and got a refresher on her name.

She managed to disappear but I ran right into her jeep. I believe it's her jeep and that's when this guy really wigged out. I think it was hers. I might be wrong, but I have a feeling or had a feeling she drives a jeep.

He was in my face, in my way, and acted so strangely I said, "So what is wrong here?" and he kept saying did I know her name and what was going on. He took an orange rubber box with Doritos in it out of his truck and that's all he was unloading.

This guy just went on and on and then he said his name was Sean or Shawn. It might have been right but maybe not. His plates were B78511G and he went on and on and told me where I could find drugs after I asked if he was dealing. He said I looked like I needed a hook up. I asked where and he said by the Satellite sign. I told him to fuck his dog and then walked off.

Anyone who is connected to that woman, with the things she made comment about, is potentially not a good person. I went back to the cafe and he rother friend was normal and nice. I think, a regular guy. He didn't have anything to hide. The other man was an asshole and kept saying, over and over "Good luck" and "Wow" and "Amazing" and was just a total idiot.

He has a dog.

Which is why he didn't like it when I told him to go fuck his dog. Later I wondered, "Is it a big dog like I had an impression of? or is it his girlfriend?" I know I get things confused sometimes.

The other acquaintance said her name is Brandy Larsen. He said she works at Auto-Mocha.

Brandy might be really sweet in every way but one. But if that one has anything to do with my child, I will find out who you are and make a record of it because even if you are small peas, to be such a sicko, you might be connected to Sean-Paul fucking Bunyan.

That guy had the longest legs I've seen in a long time. He turned around, standing up and his butt was squarely in my face. He has a torso the size of a short stack and then had these jeans hitched up to his belly button. I still remember the pattern on his pants pockets. Little M's with beige stitching and some kind of infidel shirt.

Whadda roper.

I had the impression of a light haired dog with him. But maybe that's because he had lighter hair (dark blond) and I assumed the dog often looks like the owner.

Now this man drove by pretending to shoot himself in the head, sort of deal. I think it's cranked up for a reason--the harassment.

I don't want to go into why just now.


  1. Quit following her.

  2. This woman, "Brandy", came into Shakti's after I was there first. Secondly, she came into the cafe after I was already there.

    I believe that might mean she has been following me.

    Also, I believe that if I'm right about her driving a jeep, it is not because this was psychic but bc I remember her following me around harassing me by car.

    thanks doogie.

  3. How did you know it wAs me?
