Monday, August 16, 2010

Virginia Man--One Less Undercover Spy

Virginia man is back in my space after, I guess, I write to a friend who knows someone from Virginia. Or, after I wrote something about anything royal or Australians. Or after someone figured out what I said about the rape of the woman was true and they are freaking out about it.

He seemed pretty happy when I was losing everything and rubbed it in my face and lived on the same hill and area when I had all the weird stuff happening at the house and was told "it's too late" and had a lot of British interest that was becoming apparent.

I said to him today, when he came past looking at me strangely, "Not too jaunty today, are we?" and he said he was just tired and smiled a bright nonchalant smile. I smiled back and walked away and looked aside at him and he was staring.

That guy, is a spy.

I said to him once, when he was in his SUV, "And you're the only spy in town too."

He almost lost his bisquits. Got nervous and stared in split second shock. Why?

Because I'm right.

He's not undercover now though. Pity.

Funny how one of the buddies came by to rue this outcome. The tall man with glasses and green shirt and balding head--who has also acted cocky and overconfident in the past. And the woman who is bicyclist and walked out after looking at him.

I approached him one last time. He talked about the economy. I said I hoped he was able to find a good line of work. He said he thought about starting something crazy like a coffee shop and I said, "Yeah, but then you'd have to be able to refrain from assuming an air of superiority when something bad happens to them, wouldn't you?"

He smirked. He knows exactly what I'm talking about.

I remember that it happened, the act I caught from him after he spent a little time sucking up to me, when I was out of the place that was in his neighborhood, and I had had something bad come up against me again (and knew it). He was very cocky like I was on my way out and jubilant. It was like he allowed his mean side to surface.

I knew then and there, that something...either my loss or this combined with some discovery made to look really bad about me or humbling in some way, had occured. I don't know what, but I could feel it. I picked up on it just from his posture and a weird intuition that came up.

I knew he was a spy. But was he for me or against me? I didn't know. Until I saw the way he treated me, and then I knew he wasn't on my side.

He was a kiss-ass until something went down about me that was just too priceless and great for him to be able to keep to himself. So he expressed himself privately to me and that was his mistake.

Like I said, if you're a spy or if you're up to no good, you might want to keep a distance from me because I will sniff it out.

Frankly, I think someone should hire me. Maybe for conducting sniff-studies or working out the psychic talent. Because right now, this just isn't helping me out at all.

I am not seeing any kind of benefit to me or my son at all.

He is a very good looking man. At least he's got his health and good looks to boot.

He said he hadn't seen me in awhile. He hadn't seen me in awhile because he wasn't interested anymore...lost his interest in me when things went so far down he figured it was beyond repair and I was no one worth the time or concern over anymore. That's what happens. It's

"Mission Accomplished"

So he moved on to other things.

I have newer stalkers. A few are women. Actually, quite a few women. I guess someone wanted the women out here because they're harder to pin down for things. Also, there is less potential for a man to be attracted to "the enemy".

Someone figured this much and decided I was still a threat of some kind so brought out the women. As if I do not know. Adna from Bosnia (she claims to be but have't checked it out bc not sure about the ID) but I have no idea what her interest entails. I'm not saying she is a pro but she's kept her profile pretty open around me. Same with another one. There are a few. Another non-pro but stalker is one who works at the Hastings cafe and sat down at the same time as the other one. They took adjacent tables. They're not pro, just always watching me and around me. Right now like sphinxes flanking the doorway. I want to say "phanlxing"

At any rate, they are not Virigina Slims Specials.

The one from Bosnia has never said a rude thing to me. I just see her a lot. But never had a bad interaction. The other one, from Hastings, has gone out of her way to gossip and to be rude as well. I also got a bad drink from her once and didn't care to repeat the experience. She's pretty, in a skin deep way. I do not like her. I find her shallow. Shallow in a fake and artificial way where one minute she is a bona fide bitch and then ever since, she's been kissing up to me. As if she could go back. There is a difference between a change of heart and a change in facade. This one knows how to put on a change of facade.

I find it a little strange how they both came in at the exact same time and sat on opposite ends like book corners, right after Virginia man left. Maybe 10 minutes later.

There goes the Skillsource guy. A real asshole. One of the Italian assholes in the area. I think his name is Lee and whenever I start to doubt that this one man, Frank, had anything to do with a situation, I think I might have confused him with Lee. Because the Skillsource guy has the same attitude as the guy who raped me on my birthday, with police knowing. If it wasn't someone from out of the are, and I don't think so, then it was one of the two of them but it would have to be the one who had a girlfriend who was a nurse at a cancer place.

I remember the guy said he was from out of the area but I don't know about that because the Wenatchee police knew who he was. I only know he was Italian because the guy made this comment to me.

But ever since I narrowed it down to the one guy, ever since, this other guy, Lee, has come riding by on his bicycle laughing or mocking and then

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