Monday, August 16, 2010

Hunter: Another Lawyer, Another Waste of Time

This lawyer was a waste of time. Robert Hunter.

I had a decent person refer me to him so I thought, possibly, there's a chance this one might work out. I even had a decent feeling about it.

It was abundantly clear that his only reason for talking to me was to attempt to persuade me against the truth.

He talked to me to extract information to learn what I was saying to others and in the process, tried to tell me the State acted correctly when they did not.

He said it was outside of his realm of experience which is bullshit. There is not one lawyer who couldn't competently handle this case. They're just cowards.

Then the people in this town act like complete idiots. It is as though they have absolutely no life whatsoever, running me back and forth and making a bizarre bet out of everything and everything is a big deal here, because there's little room for movement to begin with.

It's just an attempt to waste my time and nothing more.

I told him that this was it. He was the last lawyer I would consider talking to, from this area, about my case.

I need to quit wasting my time with anyone from this town unless they are appointed to represent me and there is access to resources.

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