Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Veil Clarification (my image this morning)

I also wanted to clarify what I meant in describing the veil thing that I had in an image.

I wanted to clarify because I don't want some good, well meaning people to think it means something it doesn't.

It wasn't a religious veil. So that isn't what it was. It also wasn't like a long headscarf or anything.

And, I did have the impression that it was for me.

However, we all have the ability to make choices in our lifes, no matter what the dictates or prophesies may be. I know for a fact that I will not be getting married to anyone while my son is illegally taken and held hostage from his own mother, in the United States, and I am more than happy to share what groups would like to see this eventuality. So therefore, even if I am meant to be with someone in particular, it really doesn't matter because I refuse to marry anyone unless my son is with me.

Which is exactly what some people would want. More than anything, they just don't want me to have my son with the idea that it will push me and others into different directions.

I have quite a few things to share about Wenatchee people and who they take their orders from and possible motives of why.

As for the veil, it was solid white and I saw no design in the material. No lace or design. It was sheer tulle and very large. I couldn't see the top or don't remember seeing it exactly but I think it was plain, possibly to be placed with other hair ornaments. But it was sort of tapered. Tapered in the sense of being a little bit shorter in the front and longer in the back. I didn't see any veil over the front part. I only saw it as if there was no face veil or that part was back.

It is hard to describe the perspective. It was just odd because anything to do with bride or wedding stuff was the furthest thing from my mind.

I got it around the close of the service so it had to have been around 11:45 a.m.?

Anyway. It was random.

To me, it enforced the idea that I will be married. Why I got that impression then, I have no idea.

I know that I am not going to be married without my son with me. And I also know anyone attempting to distort or distrupt what God's Will is for me and my son will have a very heavy price to pay in the future, as it always is for those who attempt to get in the way.

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