Sunday, August 15, 2010

image of woman raped (brown hair)--& other

My sad vibe changed to positive when I finally let loose about a couple of things which have happened which I have had the singular decency to not discuss or even mention to one solitary soul. Now, it has come down to my child however, and what has been done to me and my son is beyond words. I do not need to have people working against me as I conceal part of what is going on and why people would harass me and keep me out of work and housing and anything normal. Why should I have large groups, even international, be all over me and pay others to keep me down when I can point out where some of it is coming from and an idea about motive?
I had an image oddly, as I was thinking about other things, of something that took place or was taking place, which was not porn. It was of a brown or dark brown haired woman being forced to peform oral sex. The feeling was not consensual and her hair was stringy sort of, the way I saw it, and it was at least shoulder length. I could only see the shoulders and head mainly, but the impression was of a longer hair-length. And the person forcing this was not small in size and I think not white but I don't think black either. So I'm not sure...anything inbetween possibly. Then again, I am not absolutely sure the color matters so much, not as much as what was actually happening and she didn't want it to be happening. The hair was more medium brown than light or really dark (almost black) brown.

Why I had this come to mind, I don't know, but it either happened in present time a little while ago or it was videotaped and someone was showing it to others. I think that the woman was white or generally medium-fair but I couldn't tell very well.

It wasn't someone I knew. The woman was anywhere from 16-40 but I want to say closer to 20s or 30s.

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