Sunday, September 5, 2010

bad vibe last night & apple cider vinegar cure

i had a vibe of dread all night and then this moring until i got to the coffee place.

of total hopelessness and doubt in my legal situations and decided today would be a day to skip church and work on my complaint.

i haven't even once tried to guess anything about anyone yesterday or today but i know others are doing this about me.

i did say i was going to get plain salt and did, and there was new salt but it wasn't plain so i dumped it out and filled it with the other kind.

i ended up not wanting to use tomatoes for the sauce bc it would take too long, so i just melted one stick of sweet cream butter with a whole clove of garlic chopped into it, and then drizzled it over the mussels and then squeezed fresh lemon over it.

i used the water from the mussels for the base and flavor for the tomato sauce, which will be for a spagetti or something. i don't know. haven't decided.

i had liver & onions last night and i didn't loathe it the way i did when i was a kid. claro. so then i was thinking about maybe making a liver pate for tonight because i think that's done raw? i can't remember if liver pate is made with raw liver or cooked. organic liver is so good for you, it's probably even better raw if prepared right but i don't know if i could stomach it.

i can eat raw eggs, but they have to be in a drink shaken. i try to eat them whole, raw, and the texture is so disgusting i always gag. but i used to eat raw eggs all the time. lots of them. lately, i eat hard boiled eggs for breakfast. but if they're organic, it's good to have them raw if storage is done right.

the trick to anything raw, including sushi, is care with the refrigeration and defrosting and everything.

then i got oatmeal bars (solid oatmeal ones, not the muffy puffy kind with frosting and fillers).
oatmeal is a major energy supplier.

i combine eating healthy things i don't really like, just to get it in, with good foods and flavor.

i didn't know how to pick out the right things to eat after being tortured in church (puts a whole new meaning into the idea of church as torture). i tried looking up, "homeopathic remedies for ultrasound weapons" and couldn't find anything of course, or overexposure. i tried looking up all kinds of things and i don't know why i then went on a fast but i was then including all these protein powders which i didn't know, later, were full of animo acids.

i got braggs apple cider vinegar and thought, "great. now i'm pickling my brain." but i used it as a clarifier and then drank lots of different juices and had power proteins with animo acids and then i bought the eggs, and also cod liver oil. i figured there are other very good tricks out there but i don't know what they are. i just thought, "cellular renewal" or "regeneration" and animo acids came to my mind. that was a day later, when i started wondering what to take. so then i thought about amino acids and then i asked the clerk what had the best amino acid structure there? and he pointed out the same powder drink i had chosen unconsciously the day before.

what apple cider vinegar did, i have no idea. i took it as a kid, at 13, bought it for myself and used it with sea kelp and lecithin. but i was more "up" on health food, vitamin, and minerals facts when i was a teenager actually. i still remember a lot, but i don't do the reading on it that i did then.

this is why i can boast that i know how to give my son optimal care with what is good for him.

i went through a whole bottle of apple cider vinegar (with the "mother"...that's the nutritional debris that clouds up the bottom of the bottle)

i didn't just use it in drinks though. i also used it in my hair (it's very good for stripping the hair of waxy and unhealthy chemicals) and on my skin as an astrigent. but then you really have to rinse everything because it stinks. i figured i smelled like jesus on the cross, after the soldiers threw vinegar at him.

i also got high potency manuka honey.

i mixed some of the apple cider vinegar with real apple cider and it tasted decent.

i also had some swigs straight (5% acidity).

i had protein powders with fruit juices as well.

lots of water.

ate teaspoons full of manuka honey because it wouldn't disolve in my drink.

also used yeast powder that was available free as a trial supplement.

eggs have good aminos and had these raw in my drinks, shaken up. i did find out that the protein powder i had used, the clerk said, without my telling him i'd used that the day before, he said it was better than even any of the supplements. so i had inadvertently chosen the best one on the first day.

i also got bragg's "amino acids" to use instead of soy sauce and drank a few swigs of it straight.

i'm not settled that it is ultrasound either. whatever it is, is affected and drawn to metal. so having no idea of what is is, doesn't help.

i am really wondering what kind of affect downing a whole bottle (or at least a 1/2 of a bottle) in a 2 day timespan, does.
I just read up and found out apple cider vinegar may have been one of the best things I could have taken. For one thing, it is extremely high in potassium, trace minerals, and acts as a building block to cellular regeneration. So it was perfect.

It wasn't a stupid thing to do. Somehow my body must have known, along with God, what to do.

Apple cider vinegar also acts as a PH balancer and instead of causing greater acidity in the body, it creates an alkaline balance.

Instead of being just anti-bacterial and anti-fungus and the other properties we think of, it's highly beneficial to cells and regeneration and to heal injuries and stomach wounds even.

It was probably good to use this before I incorporated cod liver oil into the diet, because I was flushing out other things first and preparing the cells for better uptake of the other things, amino acids and omega fats.

i didn't add omegas until later. first i cleansed with the other things.

the first day was sheer apple cider vinegar with juice and yeast. then i added in amino acids with protein powder later. then back to a lot of apple cider vinegar with the mother (it's useless without the "mother")

i felt much better energy and clarity by the time i ate that night. after preparing my brain all day and then finally having a meal that night, it was amazing. instantly, clarity and focus and full memory.

but it took all this intense prep first.

it didn't have anything to do with the chicken enchiladas, as much as the prep all day first and then having this.

what is really weird, thanks to God, is that i didn't even know what i was doing when i did it, but it somehow worked.

it wasn't all the people in this church either. it was a few. others knew about it. my guess is that someone got nervous i was even going to this church and thought if i had friends there they might have greater problems or my son and i could be in a better position, so someone attempted to turn some of the people there, against us and on us. i would think there was some form of compensation involved, in some way, some kind of reward.

i think some group figured "oh shit. she's going to a russian church? the last thing we need is for her to have any kind of russian support." what else? some group attempted to interrupt peace and harmony by getting involved. that's my idea. maybe there were people there who were enemies and didn't like us all along. but i didn't there was a problem really, until it seemed some started to get nervous, in general, that something might improve for me or my son. someone wanted to have my son and i isolated again. someone got paid off too, i am sure. no one does that, just to do it. they do it and maybe get a sadistic kick out of it, but they get compensation for the risk they take.

at any rate, those responsible will be held accountable for what they did to me and what has happened to my son, no matter who it is. and trying to continue this, would be a bad mistake.

if God told me what to do to protect my body, he will others who is in involved in this. And someone who supports justice will get involved and start talking if they haven't already. Consistently, God tries to show that He is on my side and people bring problems upon themselves and those they care about--a large group actually, by targeting just one woman and her son and relatives.
At any rate, I don't think it was beneficial in the short run, while doing it it put the body into a kind of shock, but it worked out to benefit more in the longrun.

I could literally feel it and tell the difference. I could literally feel it in my head, when I was taking swigs of the vinegar straight, with the "mother" stuff. I don't know how to describe it, but it was definitely doing something and I could also feel it in my stomach. At some point it started to make my stomach hurt a little, just mildly, but I didn't notice until that night or maybe it was morning I think. I think it was the next day and that's when I decided to continue with vinegar and then add aminos and cod liver oil and eggs.

The next day I worked with the cider vinegar and a lot more of the amino acids and then had a meal at the homeless place to make a collegial break in fast and then had liver later.

What is strange, is that I didn't know the mother part of vinegar prepares for cell renewal or whatever but I knew to do one first and then add the second part later.

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