Monday, September 6, 2010

computer overheating now & article about mind control of children in my inbox

this is not even okay. now my laptop is overheating again.

what am i supposed to do?

look up obama? or what? because this is not funny and it is against the geneva convention.

do I have to walk over to the Army station here and wring someone's neck?

someone has been trying to make me look nuts long enough, and harmed me and my son long enough too.

I was psychic way before all of this military and technology shit. So I don't believe it has anything to do with that. Ultrasound, yeah, I'll buy that this is still used for things, but not this other stuff.

By the way, I got an article about mind control and use of CPS to facilitate government and some private universities and military agendas.

If I wanted to, I could spit out and expose at least 5 local psychics who help run this whole area and give information to others for calling the shots. Some are U.S. born and some are not.

I think what this comes down to, is Chris Rozollo and I think we need to ask him why I started having problems with my laptop only since I met him.


I think he should speak up and shed some light on what is going on in the town. People waited 3 months after my Ex from Colombia left. I guess that was the grace period until people found out if I was pregnant or not. After I wasn't, all the abuse started up again.

After I was with Rozollo, I started having all of the problems I still have, with things.

Two Mormon missionaries walked by as it started up again. I wonder if that was some kind of sick and intentional timing. To have them walking by at just about the time that this overheating starts up.

Now it's starting to quit.

Why? because someone who is Mormon finally spoke up and said they didn't want their church's name, along with a couple of others, all over this bloody shit?

I would have to start naming someone in the Russian church probably, because for some reason when I am with my Colombian boyfriend who liked Russian women, I had no problems. He left, and then the problems all started up, as if the Russian and some jewish groups are holding control in the psychic fields and then passing on info to the Mexican muscle.

The money just comes from anyone who is rich, probably mainly just straight white. But the other stuff, comes from other groups?

Because why did I have no problems for all this time and then it starts up when I'm bringing up stuff about reporting State people? It's like the State people get their protection from people who do all the other stuff.

But there is U.S. military and church person involvement because I've seen it.

Either that, or these others are just more afraid to harm me and my son if we have any kind of covering from people in the Russian church. So they back off on that count, unless someone decides they want to have their way and start paying and bribing people to ditch me and my son and leave us to the wolves.

I just called Rivercom and asked to have an Officer come over and witness what has been going on with my laptop, which I am tired of.

I got some operator by the name of "Jason" and he kept calling me "Cami" even though he knows who I am. I told him I wanted to be called by my name "Cameo", not "Cami" and he kept calling me Cami so I said, "You can either call me Cameo or Ms. Garrett" and still he called me Cami so finally I said, "Hereon you can refer to me as Ms. Garrett." He kept trying to call me Cameo at that point, just to get something in. He said "Okay Cameo".

He said he would send someone over. Of course everything will be stopped when they get here I'm sure.
I am not putting up with this anymore.

And THIS specific thing NEVER happened when I was on the East Coast, not even once. There were things that happened in time, but THIS never occured. Not once.

It's sort of like having a "mental illness" I guess, only on ONE Coast. Wow. Whole new meaning to the term "BIPOLAR" isn't it? I have major computer problems on the West Coast, but not even once on the East Coast. But I'M supposedly "mentally ill". Well, no one believes that anymore.
Now, so far, the extra stuff that was causing my laptop to be overcharged or hum at the base and emit heat (not like it's cooling down or a cooling fan) has partially quit. Of course. And it seems someone turned the airconditioning on more here when it has nothing to do with external body heat or affecting that.

Of course it quit. So I cancelled the guy but I saw this teen come in and I am starting to think that this is being done by younger kids if it's not military. I asked to have someone come and sit with me for a duration so I am able to show when this happens. The guy at Rivercom was patronizing and I asked him to just cut it out and cancel the guy.
I got an article in my box today about, as I was saying, literal use of CPS as a way to use some of these kids for mind control experiments. I tried to cut and paste it, but I can't do it. My computer wasn't even allowing me to cut and paste normal links.

But it basically had information about how some of the Ivy league schools were directly involved in first getting the program that supports CPS into place, and they negotiated with other government officials, convincing them that this would supply them with children who were needed for mind control experiments.

Where else were they going to get them?

They couldn't use kids in hospitals, though it's still done to some extent. There was literally no way to experiment with children, who are thought to be the best and primary subjects for this kind of thing, unless they were kids viewed to be STATE PROPERTY. Children, as state property, ends up looking like U.S. military men as government property. They are much easier to access and there are people in the "loop" to cover every step of the way.

I will have to put this part into a different post. I am sure it's a joke to some until they start seeing the actual documents and research. and yes, they use gang problems as a cover as much as they use state actors to document what the child's behavior is.

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