Monday, September 6, 2010

CPS As Facilitators Of Mind Control On Children (work in progress)

I am having to repeat myself because when I made the last post, I couldn't cut and paste to another site. I wish I'd never allowed my computer to be updated bc I don't like any of the updates. It's made it harder to cut and paste normal text from one thing to the next.

So I got this article in my box this morning, which I didn't see until later, and it was all about mind control experiments on children and how this history started with the very inception of the idea of a state-run "child protective services".

It sounds incredible but there is documentation to support it.

The idea first came up 30 years ago, which was after the MK-Ultra era. Mind control experiments had already been done and funding and interest was still there. But to further their studies, the U.S. couldn't get away with things other countries didn't have a problem with.

In the other countries which used children, it was more natural to get them for experiments and research because the primary countries were Russia and China and Russia was then still-communist as China is to this day. They had a ready supply of parents and families whose children were set aside for this purpose from the very start. They were more advanced because of their use of children and the U.S. didn't want to be left out of the loop and lose ground in the psychic research field, or in mind control, because it was increasingly more important to their military and governments. As the "leader of the free world" or one of the major nations and world powers, they didn't want to be "behind". However, in the U.S., using children for this purpose was not easily tolerated by the public and there was almost no way to conduct controlled studies and research.

Until the advent of CPS. When the U.S. created laws to allow the State to take children and make them "state property", they effectively did the same thing that they did with U.S. civilians who were military and then "government property". They lost some of their individual rights and also lost their ability to protect themselves by lawsuit.

The main adults to be experimented on with mind control research, were and have been, to this day, those whom the government already has easier access to in some way. They went after the vulnerable: prisoners, military, and some mental ward patients. Even went after other government workers and CIA employees. This population was more accessible because they were controlled, and it was easy for government workers to have access to these persons. They were also in no position to "sue" anyone...i.e., prisoners have a harder time suing or even securing a decent lawyer to begin with; military rarely sues the whole "government" because they have become property of the government; and the mental ill are never believed and are not in a position to sue or find good advocates. Aside from this, they might use poor people and Native Americans and the like, for medical research, but even the normal poor and Native Americans are not easily "controlled" so for mind control subjects, they go with people who are easy to monitor, easy to access, and who will have the most difficult time suing.

The U.S. complained about being behind the Russians and the Chinese in psychic research and mind control research. So they got funding to focus on adults. However, they had virtually no way to access children.

Britain or the UK became another contender, but because of a more socialism perspective, there were plenty of state-run orphanages and other facilities.

The U.S. had their abandoned children in homes or orphanages mainly run by "religious" groups, which then made it almost impossible for the government to get to. Most religious persons would be horrified by the idea and yet this is how the needs for children were then taken care of--it was left to the churches. "Free will" is never conducive for support of research which uses children when they are not even at the age of proper consent and when most would say "no".

Putting a state sponsored program into place, in the U.S., gave the government researchers, finally, access to children in at least a semi-controlled way.

China, Russia, and the UK had a ready supply of children.

The U.S. had nothing.

Not until the advent of so-called "Child Protective Services" and laws which created room for the government to take children away from parents and make those children "government property" by definition.

If you go to the wikepedia site, and look for "Child Protection Laws" you will find a short history of the laws which have been passed in the United States and the dates. For purposes of making this easier to follow, I'll briefly describe some of these laws and how they came about.

In the U.S., from the 1930s, children who were abandoned were primarily left to the care of private orphanages. There was no requirement to "report" matters or for any state worker to select, at their discretion, which children were removed from homes.

Now, according to the propaganda which wants the American public to believe CPS was created for our best interests, there was "new interest" in the 50s and then around the 60s. No mention is made of "new interest" at that time, in psychic and mind control research however.

By this time, the other countries were already using children. The U.S. had no way to incorporate children into the research. Not until legistlation was passed in 1974, called the Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment Act, which then required, or "allowed" government officials to "report" and "select" children to be removed from the home and made state and government property.

This is difficult to believe until you read and find out who was involved in pushing for this Act in the first place. When Yale and other Ivy league research universities demonstrated such an interest, it wasn't out of altruism. Which, admittedly, is still difficult to believe until one discovers the kinds of research they were interested and involved in and what their arguments were for getting this Act passed.

Before getting into the scientists, military, and research universities that were interested in using children for research reasons, I will add that after the Act of 1974 was passed, it was only 4 years later that a new Act was passed called "The Indian Child Welfare Act, which was passed when Native Americans argued that a disproportionate number of children were taken from their tribes and placed into foster care. This Act gave more civil rights protection to the tribes and made it difficult for the state to get involved. The Native Americans then went from being the most vulnerable for selection for research, being among the poorest, to gaining protection and strength in their federal arguments for recognized status as authorities in their own tribes on their own lands. Suddenly, it was the other poor minorities (blacks, hispanics) and poor white children were at most risk for being picked out by government workers.

(clarify here and insert names and dates) The information about exploitation and abuse of children, not by parents, but by government workers, was likely something that the Georgia state Senator and her husband, were discovering and most likely, were given evidence which eventually led to their joint so-called "suicides". I am not saying this was the main reason, but her argument, even to delegates from all over the world, was that the states, in the U.S. were exploiting children for their own purposes and abusing them and making money off of them. I believe she was becoming "a problem" for more than one monied group and that the shock of what was being done to children would have eventually come to the fore, and coming from a Senator, with no "mental illness" to speak of, could have become a major problem.

(to be continued)

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