Monday, September 6, 2010

Sensing Depression from Others: Nazi America

I have my own reasons to feel very wrong about this current state of affairs.

But the last several days, I have never sensed such depression and heaviness in such a while.

Either some group is designing devious things and just hard of heart, and I sense the greiving of the "holy spirit" (so to speak, not to sound so nutty), or there is someone in town who, despite appearances, has a very weighted heart; or there is something very wrong with my son and he's tortured and misses his mother and distraught by her sudden disappearance (care of the State of Washington); or...

I have not felt this, so keenly, since a few days before the 31st of August. I believe I even had a few tears rolling down my face and I didn't even know why.

My situation and this situation with my son is bad, but not any worse unless I'm coming off of drugs (however, I suspect I've been given something again).

This is the absolute worst state of affairs I have ever witnessed, with regard to the justice system and state of morality. I've never understood, my entire life, how so many could cover up for such heinous crimes.

This is Nazi Germany all over again.

And no offense to Germany, because Germany is separate to Nazi Germany. But this State is a Nazi Germany for me and my son and possibly a few others and I am really beginning to wonder when it was decided that so many of the regular people would just turn a blind eye, or "go along" or allowed to be intimidated and scared into compliance with the order of things.

All of a sudden, my babylon bar isn't working. How funny, because some of the very persons who were so against the whole Nazi Germany thing have attacked and hounded and attempted to disgrace me. An entire crew, in fact.

My lessons from this state and even in trying to get help elsewhere recently, have been lessons in witnessing hypocrisy. I don't ever recall hypocrisy like this.

I was blessed, blessed, to at least have a childhood where people were not torturing me and telling me to do weird things. I never felt like a pawn for anyone else. I did my own thing, even as a child. I never ever guessed that there was some other kind of "thing" going on all around me. I was picked on by some and there was a lot of jealousy, and I do remember being held down and feeling bored. But in general, I never felt "used". I wasn't instructed by my parents to rehearse some hideous thing to do or say to others. I wasn't hypnotized. I may not have had a perfect childhood and there are things I would have done differently myself, of course, but when I see what the kids have to deal with here, I feel so sorry for them. They are all goaded into being little mommy&daddy machines. From the poor to the rich. I've seen absolutely no difference at all. I don't see kids who are "free" in what is supposed to be a free country. I don't see parents and other adults treating children with respect for their intelligence and their own free will and desires. I see adults manipulating kids to be little mini-mes. I see kids thrown into daycares without a moment's second-thoughts. I see kids who are with parents that are into drugs, and deal drugs, and perform sexual favors for others, and who are never there for them. I see kids with parents who constantly fight in front of their children, and hurt their kids with the trauma of hearing mommy and daddy fight. I see kids with parents who have no attention span whatsoever, who do not dote on their children, but try to train their kids to dote on THEM, and whose main words are "listen" and "Because I SAID so!" and who set them in front of the t.v. or without any supervision, with other adults or kids.

These kids, are the next generation. Heaven fucking help us.

Then, a parent like me, who has better understanding of kids and parenting skills, than more than 75% of any given parental population, has their only child taken from them, for no other reason than fucking politics.

And THIS is supposed to be America.

This is a fucking shrine for capitalism but now, only the Top Capitalists. They have dictated, to the lobbyists and everyone else, that there will be levels of class in America: poor, rich, and middle class because they need the poor to support the jobs of the middle class and fund the ventures of the rich. And then I see even some of the rich, who are decent and trying to make a good break from the norm, targeted and extorted and put into even blackmail positions so others can keep things just the way they are.

All I see is a major bottoming out of any kind of core values and character.

People KNOW that torture exists, for example, here in Wenatchee, and they are ALL going along with it. They are NO DIFFERENT from Nazis and all of those who claimed "innocence" while they did what they were told to do and turned a blind eye to the torture, harassment, and deportation or threats to force others out. This time, the Jews get to be a part of the Nazi regime. I've seen their fucking swastikas right next to their stars.

They allow the torture of little children just as much as any other Nazi here has. There is no fucking dividing line of class, race, or culture.

I never ever thought, as a kid, that I would live in America, and be tortured.

And watch my son being tortured.

And then watch NO ONE stand up and rally to do something about it.

This State is Nazi Germany.

It is Nazi America.

Every single thing that has been done to me and my son is in direct violation of any kind of human rights code or international code, and right down to it, is absolutely NO different from Nazi...I am not even calling it Germany anymore. The United States has earned the title of Nazi America.

You do NOT allow the torture of your OWN citizens. Not unless you're a Nazi state.

And you do NOT fucking allow others, no matter WHO they are, to demean another citizen and try to slander them as "mentally ill" in order to perpetuate your crimes or certain groups' crimes against humanity.

I don't care who you are, what you do, or what church you go to. It's NOT DONE
(not if you're normal in any sense of the word).


  1. The sense of depression is coming from within and I understand that feeling very much. You can only carry the weight for so long and then your body will begin to sag and come undone due to the heaviness of it all. Not physically mind you, but emotionally which can be very harmful to your physical well-being. The traits to look out for are sallow skin, lifeless hair, bad taste in your mouth, and general fatigue no matter how much rest and sleep you get. Try to focus on the more positive things in your life, no matter how small they may seem, and try to get as much fresh air as possible. Lots of fresh cold water and juice also help with the feeling. And, if you are indeed psychic, lay down somewhere dark and quiet and let the images come to you naturally. Try to remember as much as you can and jot them down. Then take the time to decipher them and see if they make sense.

  2. Thank you Anonymous,
    for writing and for your comments.

    I would agree that I have moments of what feels like depression from myself and my own situations, but then again, I know when I am picking up on something from someone else or from some other origin. It is difficult to describe, and I don't always know who or what it's about, but I know it's not from me inherently...sort of like getting a "hunch" when some describe having a bag feeling right before something bad happens, I pick up on the emotions of others, and I think a little bit from others too.

    I don't struggle with depression--not really, which is strange, but I have been through too much.

    I would say, if someone is fatigued, they should try this apple cider vinegar tonic. I am rediscovering this and it has helped me in so many ways, it's shocking. I've gone back to do more research on it and I would recommend it to everyone (unless you take meds and need to find out what the interaction might be).

