Saturday, September 4, 2010

impression/image of blond little boy & computer overheating

i had one image last night before i fell asleep.

it was probably all out of order and mixed up but i sort of thought about that kid's bathroom with the window and then i saw a blond boy with straight hair and i think he was in the tub but that's not what i saw, just him there and his hair color and age of about 6-10 but i think it was around age...i don't know. i'd have to think back a little. but it was very blond. not white blond, not that fully white platinum color, but very light yellow blond.

He wasn't really chubby or filled out, more of a thin or slender frame, white, pretty white skin. I saw him from an angle of being taller and to the side. like outside of the tub and standing nearby or over and then i him at a side angle because of this. I wasn't trying to get any images at all. I was just idly thinking before I fell asleep and it flashed up to mind. It was like chest and shoulder to head and I thought in a bathrub and my angle was looking over as if I were a taller person standing on the outside and seeing. The hair was a short conservative cut, just the typical little boy cut, nothing fancy or shaved or longer or anything.

And then as soon as I say this, I feel someone is attempting a psychic attack of some kind. That is harder to describe and I don't know why anyone would care but I sense this.

I suppose it could have been a photo because I don't really remember seeing movement, but it was either a snapshot photo or a real flahs of something and it actually seemed, I thought at least, that it was a real-time impression for some reason.

The psychic attack stuff is better right now. Not dealing with it at this very moment now. Still, I guess someone is immediately interested.
I am thinking he was probably older than 6 but he wasn't a teenager yet.

Oh, and then at one point I was annoyed the t.v. was on and I thought in my mind how I wanted the guy to leave and asked God, and he immedately jumped up, almost leaped up, and turned off the t.v. and the light. It was like I'd said something right out loud.
The other thing was I woke up to stand alert before this kid was coming into my viewline at the window. I was fully asleep and sat up and looked at the window and 2 seconds later, this kid was standing in front of the window looking in and then saw me looking and moved. I suppose he could have done it a couple times and then I woke up and looked but I thought it was just once, and that I sat this first.

Then I had very complicated dreams, and the last one I remember because I went to Russia. hahahaa. In my dream. It's the only part I remember because it was the part I had at the very end. So I remembe the detail, but I don't remember anything else. I had other dreams though, about a lot of other things.

So I went to Russia and back in this small part of my dream which I'll describe.

I was in a car or coming up to something at the part which I remember and then I was looking through these things and found a green suede jacket and I remembered it was mine from the past (though I never had, I don't think, a green suede blazer cut jacket). It was jade or almost forest green and a jacket of suede but cut in the style of a blazer and had the same color of buttons and it was fitted at the waist. I think it was from a box of things I found. And then I looked at the label, realizing it had been mine, and it had a rainbow label on it. Not in the shape of a rainbow with an arch, but diffeent colored stripes like one. And then there were other items and I wondered why someone else had my things and then brought them back and left them there.

Then I was sitting there and I looked out and saw I was near a park. A park almost like a forest, but a park.

I don't know how it came up, but I decided to go to Russia, on the train, and then get back before the clock was at a certain time because I had to be back for something. Work? church? I don't remember.

It was like you could go from America to Russia on a train that just crossed over like a ferry and that was it. So I got on the train and it was sort of like a subway train. I saw a row of people who were sitting in this one row and I recognized them. They were Russians and in Russia already but had been in the U.S. or something and although I only saw a couple of them right there, there were friends to me and supportive people.

So this woman who I already somehow knew or who knew of me asked where I was going and I said I had had some problems and I don't remember what I said but then some other Russians or other passengers looked at me sharply and then I was handed a boot type of a shoe.

I wondered why I had just been given a short boot. I looked inside and there were a couple of wrappers from lolipops and they said "dum dum" and I thought, "What? is this some kind of message that I shluldn't have said anything at all and just talked about general stuff like the weather?" I remember one of the dum dum wrappers, the first one I saw was a pineapple flavor dum dum. And the other one maybe root beer but I don't remember.

I thought the shoe had been from someone else but then she said it was hers. So she took it and I don't know any of these people in real life but in the dream I thought I knew them already. She took the boot and put it on her foot and I had thought she was already wearing two shoes, but she put this boot on and said "It has steel (or metal) on the tips". But she was someone good to me so all of it was to let me know to be careful about something and she was also looking out for me.

So then I was on my own and I got off in Russia. I went to the left and I had thought there was all this water around. I had thought there was a lot of water around us, on the train, for some reason, and I wanted to see the lake or water.

I went to the left and there was water out ahead but I was standing in front of what looked like an excavation pit almost. It was a hollowed out part of land or dirt. And the water seemed to stop there like it was a pond or something that didn't have an outlet. So then I walked to the right and there was a larger park and a huge expanse of water and then I was walked over a bridge with someone but I don't remember who. I think it was a woman. So I said the water looked pretty clean or clear. There were ripples and some kind of sediment or seaweed I thought at first so I didn't know if it was very deep or not. It first looked sort of like a bunch of small little ledges under the water so I thought maybe it was rock and wasn't that deep or couldn't tell but then I had a better view and she said yes, you could fish there because I asked about fishing. We walked across a bridge from sort of a south to north pole angle and I was looking out at the water to the left.

It was all sort of at nighttime with a night view of things. Even looking at the water, it was at least dusk and everything was more like night. I don't remember any part of it during the day. Every single thing was at night and if there was light it was from the sky or from the town lighting or whatever there.

Then I was somehow back on the train and telling people I had to be back in an hour so I had to go. The time was more like airplane time, but I was on a train of some kind.

So then I went back or was going back and woke up. It was like anyone could go anytime and I remembered thinking, there weren't any bag checks or passport requirements or anything.

I think it was probably some kind of subconscious dream or maybe other things too, because of the boot, but anyway, it was just a dream. The only one where I've traveled to another country and back though! It wasn't a dream that someone manipulated or "sent" to me, so I definitely wouldn't allow anyone to claim they had anything to do with what I dreamed. It was a subconcious kind of dream that incorporated many things which have happened in reality, into a dream. It had nothing to do with anyone being psychic or doing some kind of dream inception work. It doesn't mean anything and I can list and name almost every thing that has really happened and then sort of just mixed up into a dream of a kind. Except for the jacket. My clothes being stolen is a true fact. I have also owned a lot of blazers and cute jackets before all these things were stolen from me. I had a green suede skirt. I thought it was suede in the dream, the jacket. As I was writing, I suddenly thought, the jacket style was sort of similar I guess, to one I saw in a photo worn by Sarah Spencer. But that was just the general style and then there was this tag that wasn't an arch and it was stripes going from one side to the other. I can think of an explanation for almost every single thing in my dream. The boot, for example, was like a boot that this guy put on a table outside of a cafe one day. I had wondered why did he just set his boot out on the table...that sort of thing. And earlier that day, I saw a car go by with the plates "DMY DMY" (which looked like dummy dummy to me and hence, possibly the idea of dums dums in the dream) . I am very honest and matter of fact when it comes to dreams and other things, like images and impressions. I have no interest in trying to make something sound like anything it's not, and I have never exaggerated anything, unlike some. I stick to the facts in this regard and can usually tell if something is a real dream from God, a partial message, just a jumbled dream, or what. It was a very interesting dream but not anything more.
I got some information about black pepper today. Homeopathic benefits. And read about a few other things. Still sort of liquid fasting but eating at night. Decent liquid fast, with protein powders and things.

I bought organic honey w/active enzymes, organic eggs, apple cider vinegar, gold's protein powder with animos and braggs amino drops, cod liver oil, a peanut curry dinner to go with the drops at some point, and organic juices. I mixed cod liver oil with organic honey and eggs and protein powder into the juice and shook.

I also found some yellow flowers which I put on the windowsill so I could see them better. I liked seeing the flowers outside but one had dirt on it so I wanted to wash them off and put them where I could see them.
this morning I had maybe a flash of someone besdies the kid outside the window, who was wearing a red shirt. but it was a man.

I should buy some salt today because now that Ive already thought of pepper, we have a ton of pepper in the house and no normal salt.
I had the computer overheating all morning until the last half hour and it quit. At around 1 or so, someone quit doing the overheating.

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