Friday, September 3, 2010 it & vladdie shirt

I am getting something from a UK person i think.

I just saw news now on CNN about a krishna temple burning and I had this come to mind this morning and possibly last night, over and over. but i thought it was "hari krishna" and wondered why hari krishna was coming to mind.

i guess it wouldn't have to be a UK person though. It was very easily and likely to have been, more likely, a US person perhaps, who knew of the news.

I got it when I was praying and focusing.
also, this blue shirt is the same type and style I was getting yesterday, but I don't know who was wearing it yesterday, on Friday. I read this article about fires in Russia and see Vladimir Putin is wwearing the same shirt but I don't know when that photo was actually taken. From the CNN article. Will have to find link. I'm sure plenty of people had a shirt on like that yesterday, but that's the type and color of blue I got. It was an oxford style shirt, this same type of blue and with long sleeves.
i did something sort of "di" but not really. i picked out an outfit for someone.

this guy looking like di's brother went to a skateshop and i walked in, picked out a mismatched pant and shirt set and asked the clerk to hold it until the end of the day. i said to the clerk, "i need to put it on hold bc i don't know if it will go with my shoes."

the di bro guy walked out and then i was right behind and i said as i passed, "i picked out an outfit for you." (he had watched the whole thing). he snorted and i said, "it's there until the end of the day" and walked off.

i tried to find the ugliest mismatch without spending a lot of time on it as i was only passing by

then i went to bobs and thought about my dad and was going to withdraw money and decided no, not taking money from bob right now. i'll take it from the banner bank people.

how do these banks keep their cash flow going anyway? if people are not making deposits and just withdrawing? i guess that's why they charge $3 or so for a withdrawal, but still, they get on the phone and say, "i just gave out $300 for $3, so feddie man, can you loan me some bills?"
i guess i should clarify about vladimir putin's shirt.

i was literally thinking about vladdie laddie. for a split second and then i got that blue shirt which i can never imagine him wearing. it was yesterday and i didn't focus on him at all nor did i ask god for any info. i just briefly thought, bc, i think, money (coins) came out of my pockets onto the floor so i was thinking how dumb it was to...about the penny. and then for a very fast incomplete moment, i thought i got that shirt. however, i couldn't settle it on vladdie laddie bc i hadn'[t focused and asked for it. i just figured it was on someone out there that day. i didn't know who, but someone. then later in the day i saw a car go by with someone that kind of looked like him but probably wasn't and it looked like that kind of collar.

anyway, i did associate a vladimir with that same blue shirt but i don't know that this is who i was picking up on when i first got it. i remember thinking it looked like some shirt i once saw on maybe a clip with will and harry but i also sort of wore a shirt like that on the east coast once too so didn't know.
however, i have really noticed some people who must be getting info from someone who thinks they know exactly what i'm thinking and what i'm going to do and i think they want to take more credit for themself than they should.

it goes both ways just a little bit, and i really don't want to start imagining the color of your underwear. someone wears black today. black underwear on some guy. but anyway, must be a guy who has been trying to be a psychic stalker.

and some marmaduke out there.

someone out there who connects to me has this nickname. might be a newbie.
i remembered, yes, i got krishna yesterday when i was praying, in the afternoon around 1 p.m. or so. but i didn't write it down bc i said to myself, 'that's not a country' (of course).
i also "thought" the hurricane would weaken. didn't think it was going to be that bad, but i did think an earthquake was going to hit for sure.
i am praying for my family and son tonight.

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