Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Parvati and Ganesha and Bees & Beetles

Looking up Parvati and the story attached, and other stories, as well as Ganesha. The stories are as intricate and well developed as most of the paintings and art. A lot of attention to fine detail.

I looked up Parvati on wikipedia and then Ganesha in several other contexts.

Today I had a black beetle settle on me, from out of nowhere, and a ladybug, after the bumblebee. The ladybug had the odd coloring again and I swear it's government work--something to do with the Air Force project of teleportation. Something changes or alters the natural color of these ladybugs. I might be wrong....maybe they are naturally a different color.

I looked at some Eastern Indian tablecloths today and other art.

I was going to buy something for my son, but I couldn't decide what and I don't know what he has already. So I wanted to call and find out.

There has been mixed energy all day today. Good and then bad.

I have to file something about Mykal Holt, against her "judgement" for money claiming I owe her rent when I on't and when she owes me my Hope Chest back and a lot of other things. The woman has nerve. She even has cancer, supposedly (I guess some have even questioned this) and she has plenty of aggression to take out on innocent people who she deliberately tried to upset from the very start. She's even had videotape of me sent out to other people, when I went dancing at the place her brother owns or co-owns. At least, this is what I was told, and then other things got back to me as well, trying to make me look bad.

What is strange is how many people have gone together to try to make me look bad.

I should leave some major civil suits I guess, for later, to be dealt with in strength and properly, and then take on a couple of small things which could just be nailed right off the bat. Naming, like, one person.

I could at least isolate 1 or 2 smaller things that would be clean and clear cut and not complicated, and then leave the big stuff for down the road, if needed an if I'm still having problems.

Will have to think about which thing to file first I guess because there is a LOT.

I have to put an injunction on the collection of the judgement she was awarded, if I can't appeal it, and then take the other things to court.

All I need, is a straight shot.

Bow and arrow straight shot. One.

I still have to talk to this one lawyer who's interested in my toxic mold claim too. If I have that firm working on the toxic mold, I can take care of something else. One small thing at a time.

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