Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Problems With Laptop Overheating Now

The overheating is very bad and it is happening at Safeway.

I believe this kind of thing is only done with something in near proximity because when I go to the larger college library, it doesn't happen because I think it's harder for someone to smuggle in whatever they need, or they don't have as many willing participants.

I am absolutely positive that it is a more local thing and as I say this, now someone has quit something.

When I went to the large college, and used the desktop, it never happened. I could go to some cafe with my laptop and depending on where I was and who was around, it would start up, but it never happened at the library except for one time and it was different and mild and and much much lighter. It is somehow hard to effect, there. I don't know why. Someone might be afraid of getting caught I suppose.

Which would mean it's not from a satellite (I don't think). At least not this, in general, or it's something to do with the laptop which could happen anywhere but is impossible to effect on a desktop that other people could use any given moment, in a larger space.

The other thing that tips me off, is how many people in THIS town KNOW and act like they know, when it is occuring. These people know about this kind of thing, and think it's a big surprise when someone ends up fully dead. They go for torture here. They support and share torture techniques, but stop one shade short of killing. And then when someone finds out who is behind it and takes action, they act like it's a big surprise.

So that suggest locality. It makes it clear that this is something that is done local or is shared on a local level with other people. Maybe not a lot of people, but enough to stand out.

It may be on a larger level, but it is something that is at least passed down to locals so it is or gives the appearance of being local. I would say, it's local.

It's quit for now.

I think now that the exchange student from Korea is gone, someone is trying to start things up with my son again. I think it's good when there are other people there because they are independent witnesses who are harder to control with intimidation because they can say whatever they want at any time, in a different language as well. So I think when things happen to my aunt or uncle or their family or my son, with the kind of pressure they have from certain people, and state workers, they're more likely to do whatever to make others happy, whereas someone who is an exchange student or from out of the area, is more likely to say "fuck you" and say it in Korean. At least someone or certain groups cannot be sure they are able to control someone who is an "outsider" (at least to some degree) because that person might turn around and report their ass and testify as to the validity of my and other persons' claims.

The reason no one has "got" me is because I may not be perfect, but I haven't been corruptible number 1, and number 2, I have nothing to hide that someone could try to use against me in blackmail of any kind.

Since I can't be corrupted or blackmailed, I get "set up" and that's supposed to discredit me and keep me from getting my son back or exposing the truth, if needed, about others.

I somehow managed, to be full of flaws and problems, but I don't owe anyone anything and I have never done anything that I would be ashamed to talk about or have others know.

I believe my family has had high standards too, but because they are trying to protect my son, and care, if someone starts ordering them around, using police or other government authority and by intimidation, they will feel more pressured to go along to keep peace and it's not that they've done anything wrong at all.

So far, with the serious grace of God, I am "okay". Not perfect by any means, and my own worst enemy (mmm, no, I wouldn't torture myself, so no)...let's say, I might not always do what I should do like anyone, but I haven't succumbed, at the lowest lows, to pressure.

I guess that's why I have a general sense of peace and feel like things can work out. Because it will work out.

Anyway, I had just been wondering if I should try praying about,...stopping myself...I would really like to know if Judge Shea DOES have a loose tooth! wouldn't that be something! only his dentist knows for sure I guess, or him. If it's not him I guess maybe my son since I transitioned from praying for my son to then Judge Shea.

But I was thinking about asking for something maybe from head persons in government or agencies just in Washington. I was thinking, "Dept. of Defense? CIA? who should I focus on and ask God for something hidden?" and then I thought, why not just bring it to Washington maybe, and not necessarily in a negative way, I mean, getting stuff about Judge Shea's mom isn't negative at all, but just focus on people who are more immediate and can influence things. maybe in tandem with praying out there to larger heads or something. But I haven't settled on anything. I know I have to wait and allow the right thing to be in mind to pray about and then pray. In the "will of God" so to speak and then it will be much easier.

I don't even know if Judge Shea's mother is still alive or what. I assumed it was her. A little old lady. If she was a strapping 6'0 or 5'11, I don't think that was her. I don't know how tall Shea is. I can't even find a photo for him.

Ah, I cheated. I found a photo. Well, it may have been his mother. I don't know for SURE. But when I saw the photo of HIM with white hair, I thought "Did I see his mother or was I seeing the Judge?" (just kidding). Maybe his mom didn't have white hair like him though, when she was older. Just because he does, doesn't mean she does/did. But it was white, the woman that I saw had white hair, not gray or colored. I sort of thought it was curly or wavy somehow and short. I don't think his hair, the Judge's, looks curly or wavy...just looked again. I guess his hair has a slight wave above his ear. I saw her hair as more curly like hair set curly and white, and then I thought it must be the Judge's mother. But I leave room open for being wrong. Maybe it's some other older woman. I suppose, if he's shy of 70 years old and she had him at a fairly young age, she's alive. I wish I knew. I might be right about 1 thing and not other things, or not right at all. Again, I didn't have the strongest connected feeling but I got a few things after I said a short prayer. I'll pray more later. I guess seeing his photo helped give me a little more confidence to say something about his "maybe" mom. Seeing his snow white hair seems to be a possible indicator or confirmation that maybe if white hair is in the genes, this was right. But again, I may be wrong. It might have been someone else and that way too, it's more private bc only the Judge would know so who can say.

He sure doesn't look like a man who would have a loose tooth. Either that was for my son or it's a small thing that doesn't bother him much, that's in the back or something, like a molar, I wouldn't know. I just got something about someone with a loose tooth.

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