Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stephen Hawking

I read this article about Stephen Hawking today, about his belief that God did not create the universe and that it's just physics.

I was interested since his comment came one day after I blogged about how something could come of seeming random chaos, even by doing such a thing as random selection on books or whatever.

Military and government psychic research is closely tied to physics. The entire idea of teleportation, the abilty to move an insect through the power of the mind, from one location to another, received funding through mathematical and physics calculations, theories, and ideas. The paperwork they gave the government in order to "prove" it's possibility was incredible. Who needs paperwork if you can prove with results? However, I guess the idea was to make a theory that works out on paper in case no one could cause a yellow Monarch butterfly to suddenly appear on the desk of the general and perch on his finger.

My belief is that while physics really challenges the idea of an iminent God who is in control of things in some looser hands-off way, there is still a God.

Biologists and Chemists have higher than average rates of being agnostic or atheist. However, those who are involved in physics have even converted from atheism to some kind of agnosticism or religious belief in a God, based on what they see in their work. The DNA code was one breakthrough that actually created more believers than non-believers, in a God or higher power of some kind.

I think where the theory that there is no higher power falls apart, is that, for example, Hawking says we have the "law of gravity". Well where did that law come from? No matter what the developments in science may be, even on a psychic or physics level, you are always having to go back to SOME point of origin. If it's a "God" then who created God? I don't know. But it makes a lot more sense that God was there rather than having a point of origin that is simply "gravity" or something else because then where did this "gravity" come from?

Constantly, one is going back to the beginning of things. In my mind, logically, it is far more likely that there is some kind of intelligent being however removed from our understanding, than absolute "nothingness".

In the beginning was "nothing" and then, for some reason, Nothing got bored with having Nothing to do and decided to stir up some fun with Nothing? I would love to see Nothing & Nothing dancing together on a ballroom floor.

When we think of "nothing" it is nothing material isn't it? So isn't it possible that while there was "Nothing" material, there existed something Spiritual that had no form.

We know that our own intelligence is not a material thing which can be isolated and detected through material means and contained. Even learning to remote view or know someone's thoughts is not possible through some kind of ionic or atomic exchange. There is "nothing" but a thought, which cannot be encapsulated.

Physics can explain movement of real objects and describe possibilities of black holes and other phenomena, based on the idea of material things.

However, that said, I am also able to see on the other side of things as a true "libra" (the scales of balance), I guess, should.

I know that recently my own faith has been challenged in some ways by things I have seen with regard to psychic phenomena which challenges some presupposed ideas about the forces of nature. And yet, that's when I recognize there are different sources of power and people call upon different sources, alone or in groups, to try to affect the natural outcomes of others' lives.

God is obviously not in control of manipulating the will of others. There are accounts of miracles, but often, those who are good and have the most heart for God, are persecuted. They do not "win" most often. They are constantly struggling against those who win through deceit and abuse of power.

The Native Americans in the U.S. did not win by being honest and trusting in the promises, or in being charitable and hospitable and showing others how to grow corn and make it through hard winters.
It is possible to believe in God and to also believe in science. It is wrong to use faith to manufacture results but science and discoveries do not exclude a God.

I am not saying someone has to be a full creationist but I think, personally, that any genius who claims that it's more possible there is only "nothing" and no God at all or higher power, is lacking some brain cells or missed a logics class. It takes more faith to believe in absolutely nothing than a higher power at the origin of things.

Oooh...but what do we do with those "aliens"? If it comes to funding, I guess we could get support for the research on aliens and extra-terrestrial beings, by being either religious or atheist and base either idea on different things.

Anyway, this guy just came in wearing Army gear and with a cross in a wheelchair and I think Hawking is understandable in his ideas there is no God but maybe he needs a miracle or to see one in someone else's life. Not everything can be explained by mutations, abberations, anomolies, chance, and natural design. Everyone could use a miracle but then, even then, we forget. And, then there is this idea of war of "God loves me and is on MY side more than YOURS" and that gets to be really despicable.

Oh, hi there Mr. Hawking. I guess I'm thinking on your wavelength this morning because I just found your article about aliens and how entertaining them would be like the Native Americans entertaining the European invaders. Strange, since I just wrote about both Native Americans and aliens too. I saw a byline to this other article after reading the NY Times post on your comments. Wait, it was the NY Daily News (online).

"Contact With Aliens Could Get Us Killed Says Stephen Hawking"
So I am wondering how you're doing today.

I am wondering how the idea of laws of gravity affects teleportation ideas.

I was also going to say, that if you're feeling "under the weather" today, is that idea different in England or in the U.S...if there is another phrase the English use?

I might have to read your book because it sounds lke instead of there being a God there is, at origin, a gravity law. Gravity is not material but a force. Sort of how we think of God as a force. Still, that force is something. It's not nothing, just as our thoughts are not nothing, right? I guess thoughts are not an invisible force which hold things together or not but thoughts can still influence things, or why would some be able to...yeah, there is sometimes a force at work even.

I'll probably read your book someday when I have time--when I am not embroiled in legal details and being embroiled by this laptop.

If you have any ideas about what is affecting this, or who, I would be all ears.

You are very lucky not to live here. I hope you have a good day today. Or better day.

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